"Mommy(or Daddy), is this a good idea?" This is usually posed from somewhere high and/or precarious and often involves Will in a compromising position. We usually (and rightly) say, "Not really," but she usually does it anyway...the above was, apparently, a "good idea" since both kids found it hilarious. I can only imagine the plots Kate will drag Will into as they get older!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Kate's favorite question:
"Mommy(or Daddy), is this a good idea?" This is usually posed from somewhere high and/or precarious and often involves Will in a compromising position. We usually (and rightly) say, "Not really," but she usually does it anyway...the above was, apparently, a "good idea" since both kids found it hilarious. I can only imagine the plots Kate will drag Will into as they get older!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Santa came!
Has Christmas day really come and gone already? It seems like it was just last Christmas, when we had one who was not yet 2-and-a-half and one who was just 3 months old. This year, Kate actually got excited about Christmas morning and Will, while having no clue about the whole Santa thing, was a very willing participant. I went in to cover Kate up a little before 6 am, only to find her wide awake and ready to get up (this NEVER happens). I asked her if she wanted to go back to sleep for a bit and she said, "No way!" We went downstairs and watched Christmas cartoons with daddy while we waited for Will to wake up. Then we opened our stockings, had breakfast with Grandma Connie and Grandpa Bill and opened the presents under the tree. It was really just perfect and fun. Kate was ecstatic that Santa brought her TONS of stickers (the only thing she asked for) and Will was just happy to rip some paper and find things that made noise. The kids spent the rest of the morning basking in all their gifts---but I must say the best part (as it should be) about the day was spending it relaxing and playing with the kids. It was our first time staying home since the kids were born and it was really fun to start our own traditions. Can't wait for next year!
Kate dressed up as Snow White
The kids' first basketball hoop--adjustable so even Will can dunk!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Merry Christmas Eve!!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Oh, the honesty!
Kate: "I sure don't like what I don't like. Like nuts."
Me: "Is there anything else?"
Kate: "Pretty much all the food you give me."
Me: "Is there anything else?"
Kate: "Pretty much all the food you give me."
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Chirstmas party!
Kate had a Christmas party at school today, complete with a little caroling show for the parents. I can't say that the kids actually sang but it was cute nonetheless--and kind of shocking that my baby girl has reached the school-holiday-show age. Will tried to join in and enjoyed the applause at the end. He ran up to Kate and gave her a big hug in the middle of the show which was, by far, my favorite part. :) God bless preschool teachers because Miss Sue had organized the whole party...I'm not sure how she comes up with all the projects and how she herds these kids around, but she does an amazing job. The kids had even made us a whole bunch of presents (they're even wrapped so they are still a mystery and, as I'm learning with these preschool crafts, their identity may still be a mystery once I open them!) We played a game where we got to make eachother into snowmen. This was a HUGE hit with the kids since they got their first lesson in how to TP something! It really was fun and I'm feel SO lucky that we are in a preschool where all the parents are involved and all the kids know all the families. What a blessing to have a community of supportive friends who are in the same stage of life. I can honestly say that I can't imagine Kate's first year of school being any better. Today she gave Miss Sue a huge hug when we left and told me, "that Miss Sue sure does love me!" I really think she's right. It's a pretty lucky thing to feel like your school is your second home, and I think that's exactly how Kate feels. So, school's out for the next couple weeks now so I say, "bring on the holidays!!"
Friday, December 9, 2011
Beauty shop--wish I had a picture!
Kate had her first experience playing "beauty shop" today. Now, those of us who know and love Kate, know that "beauty shop" is not something she'd be into playing. She will literally run, screaming, "DO NOT touch me with that" if I try to offer her chapstick. She's seen me putting on makeup and has never once asked what it is or if she could try it. Show her a picture of a drill press and she'll identify it in no time, but she could not identify mascara if you paid her (in stickers, of course, because that's the currency she's currently operating in...) Anyway, most little girls her age seem to be showing some interest in girly pursuits like "beauty shop" and this is definitely the case with her beloved friend, Addie. We went to Addie's house yesterday and she suggested, first, that Kate paint her toenails. This, Kate understands, although she likes to have hers painted less for the beauty aspect than for the choosing of the pattern aspect (i.e. "mommy, I want it to go green, red, yellow, green, red, yellow.") So, off they went to paint nails. Heidi (my beloved friend and Addie's mom) and I gladly took the boys downstairs and enjoyed that our girls are now to the age that they happily play ON THEIR OWN!! After awhile, we went back up to see what they were doing and we heard Addie call, "oh, I made Kate REALLY pretty." She made her something, all right. Out walks Kate, clearly completely confused by what had just transpired. She had, probably, a bottle of hairspray in her hair which resembled something of a beehive/mohawk (impressive, I must say). She also had brown eyeshadow under her eyes and a good amount of blush on her cheeks. She looked exactly like she'd been in a huge brawl. Unfortunately, we had to go then because it was her turn to make Addie up next and I have no idea how that would have gone. When we left, Kate said, "that sure was fun when Addie decorated me!" I asked her if she had lots of blush and eyeshadow on and she said, "oh no, mommy, it's just some stuff Addie said goes on your face." I asked her if she wanted to play beauty shop at home and she said, "We could. With markers and crayons, maybe?" :)
Thursday, December 8, 2011
One more (important) thing!!
I forgot to say a HUGE Happy Birthday to the BEST daddy and husband the world has ever seen!! Ryan's birthday was Monday, but we're really celebrating this weekend when Grandma Connie comes to watch the kids for a night while Ryan and I go to Portland! Yippeee! And today is another important birthday--Happy, happy birthday to Jim! You are an amazing friend and I am forever grateful to have met you (and your lovely wife, of course! :)
Thanksgiving (even though it's almost Christmas!)
Was Thanksgiving really already a couple weeks ago? Really?! The calendar says we're well on our way to Christmas, but we're still basking in the glow of fun we had in Yreka over Thanksgiving. It was a party whirlwind, with Thanksgiving day and a couple parties for cousin Kari who's getting married this weekend! We wish we could go down to the wedding in San Diego with all the other Singletons, but we will be there in spirit and feel very lucky that we got to spend so much time with everyone over the holiday. Naturally, I don't have any photos of any of the festivities, but I do have many of the kids doing two activities they loved at Grandma & Grandpa's house: cruising around in the wheelbarrow and stomping in puddles. Will was often covered in mud as Kate encouraged him by giggling hysterically as he ran into puddles. And, whenever the wheelbarrow stopped, Will would frantically sign "MORE." Kate discovered the simple fun of being pushed around in the wheelbarrow when we were in Yreka for Thanksgiving when she was just about the same age Will is now. Like sister, like brother! We also went to the fantastic Yreka Christmas parade. Kate thought it was "better than Halloween" because almost every float threw candy---her pockets were so full, she could barely walk when it was over (fortunately for us, and her teeth, she forgot about the candy by the next day). It truly was a great trip because we got to spend so much time with family. Kate was in heaven having so many people to choose from to read her stories at bedtime! We've been back home for awhile now and it's just been a whirlwind lately (as usual). We're gearing up for our first Christmas at home since we had the kids. I don't think Kate's quite to the point where she gets the whole Santa thing; I asked her if she wanted to go sit on Santa's lap and tell him what she wants for Christmas and she replied, "Why would I want to do THAT?!" Maybe next year?
Monday, November 21, 2011
Never ceases to surprise....
Kate chose her outfit today and, as usual, it was ecelctic. It started with a nice purple dress and pink leggings, but then came her favorite part: the accessories. As I was doing laundry, she chose some of my green/blue socks (pulled up to her knees), a blue scarf and a winter hat that has bunny ears. She was rockin' it, I must say. It was only when I lifted her out of the car that I saw another addition: my underwear under her dress on top of her leggings....leopard print ones, at that!!
First snow of the year!
We had our first snowfall on Thursday night, and it wasn't just a skiff--it was about 4-5 inches! Kate woke up and was entirely shocked that there was snow in our yard AND in the park next door. She immediately insisted on going out to sled and ski in her pajamas and, although we told her we'd wait just a bit, she still went about stuffing her pajama-clad feet into her boots. She was seriously distraught when she wailed, "but I'm really hungry!!" She seemed to think it a huge injustice and inconvenience that her hunger was getting in the way of her snow plans. Once we got through breakfast, Kate & Will did indeed enjoy the snow...many times over the weekend. The park next door has a fantastic hill that was just the right size for sledding and for Kate to try out skiing. She started out on the little plastic skis which you put your own boots in, and then graduated to her real skis and boots. Of course, she insisted on barrelling down the hill "by myself!" She fell again and again, but it didn't really phase her and she kept wanting to "do it again!" By Sunday afternoon, she was making it down the hill on her own. Ryan and I were completely impressed! Will, too, enjoyed the first snow he's been in since he was too small last year. We went on endless rounds around the park, and every time the sled would stop, he'd sign "more." Naturally, HUGE tantrums ensued when it was time to go inside so, also naturally, we resorted to bribery of marshmallows (it started as hot chocolate with marshmallows until I realized we had no hot chocolate...). All in all, it was a great first snow....good thing since I'm sure we have about 6 months of snow ahead of us!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Thankful--Part 2
Today at school, Kate had a Thanksgiving "feast" (they even made butter--God, preschool teachers are brave!!) and made paper bag turkeys. On the turkey feathers, we wrote what they were thankful for. I asked Kate what she wanted to put on her feathers and she said, "I'm thankful for ponies, Metallica, Will, mommy and daddy...oh, and I'm really thankful for me, so I'd say that first." So, to recap, mommy and daddy are now making the list and are about as high up as we aspire to be since I don't think we'll ever top Kate herself, ponies, Metallica and Will!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
To blog or not to blog...
So, I completely love this blog because it's such a great recording for me of all the things I know I'll forget as Kate and Will grow, but I'm just not finding the time to do it lately. Starting to teach spin again, being out at Kate's school a lot coupled with Will & Kate being obsessed with using the computer themselves while I'm trying to type has just seemed to make keeping up with their activities tough. And then I feel guilty because I so want to keep up to date with all their doings, but then I feel like I spend time worrying about recording their events instead of just enjoying the events themselves. ANYWAY, this is all to say that I'm setting a once a week goal for myself...I'd love to do it more, but I'm going to shoot for that for now. I hope I get back to writing more, but I'm not sure life is going to get any less busy from here on out! With that said, here are a few "highlights" from the past few days.....As usual, the highlights around here are all about the things Kate says. Honestly, she cracks us up just about every minute of the day, especially now that she is going to preschool and has a whole new realm of things to talk about. A few days ago she had one of her best-ever remarks (although this will mortify here someday...) I was gone and, when I got home, Ryan said that Kate had said about the funniest thing he'd ever heard (warning: this is bathroom humor, as it so often is with a toddler): "Daddy, I have to go poo. And you'd better hurry because this volcano is about to erupt." She apparently said it so dead-pan that Ryan could have sworn she was trying to be a comedian. She has had an obsession with volcanoes lately after seeing one in a "Little Einsteins" episode, but we had no idea she could use the imagery so effectively!! Will is also starting to "talk" all the time--he has a lot to say and says it very adamently, but we're just not sure exactly what he's saying yet. He did say his first two-word phrase yesterday: "Car vroom" (which, really, sounded more like "Caaa broom," but I know what he meant.) As if we didn't have enough evidence already that he's a boy through and through, his main words now are: car, ball and dog. All the important bases to cover if you're a little boy, I guess. I can't wait for him to entertain us with his talking just like his sister!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
The art of negotiation
Last time they visited the grocery store together, Kate convinced Ryan to buy some jelly beans. He had originally said no and, after giving in, claims that Kate proudly told him "you weren't supposed to buy those, but I got you to do it!" Yes, that's our little manipulator--geez, she's good at it. ANYWAY, at home a few days later, she kept asking me for some and, after giving in as well, I told her she could have 3 if she finished picking up the disaster that was our living room. She said, "how about 5?" I said, "how about 4?" and that's where we settled. She proceeded to clean SOME of the living room before telling me, "okay, I'm ready for my jelly beans." I informed her that she hadn't finished the job, to which she replied, "Oh, I know, I'll just have 3 jelly beans after all because that's all I want to clean." She was dead serious and, really, that's a tough one to beat! Never a dull moment around here with these two!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Trick or treat!
Yes, Halloween was Monday and it's now Friday so they're late, but here are some Halloween pics. Kate woke up on the morning of Halloween and informed me she was going to be "a bumblebee." She's mentioned many costumes, but that's the first I'd heard of bumblebee. Since we had neither an actual bumblebee costume nor any items of yellow clothing that could be turned into a bumblebee costume, I managed to talk her down to being a ladybug (only by promising she could be a bumblebee next year...or "tomorrow" as she put it). We had fun at the parade, but it's a distant memory now as we've had a busy week: THREE Hickory escapes from the backyard, a malfunctioning garage door that would either lock you in or out of the garage and, oh yes, Will's minor surgery (just a delayed circumcision which was suggested when he was born). But, it's finally Friday and with Hickory's escape route sealed, the garage door fixed and Will well on his way to being his usual self, it looks like we've made it!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
At school today, the kids did a project where they had to say something they were thankful for. When I came ot pick Kate up, the teacher said that she nearly fell off her chair laughing when Kate replied that she was thankful for "Metallica." Oh, it's true love for sure!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Halloween warm-up
Friday, October 28, 2011
Comments of the day...
Kate was on fire in the conversation department today. There were quite a few times I thought "I need to remember this one..." and, predictably, I can literally only remember a FEW of them. First, we went to an open gym at a gymnastics academy today, and both Will and Kate LOVED it. This was obvious from the way they were both running around, giggling and shrieking, but it got even better when Kate was in the big foam pit and was screaming "I LOVE THIS PLACE! THIS IS THE BEST THING I'VE EVER DONE!!! MOMMY, I LOVE THIS!!" Guess I know where we'll be going this winter. Second, we went to the park this afternoon and Kate was playing with a little boy who was four. He was running around, chasing Kate and making all the noises that only little boys make (not really identifiable but definitely a boy thing). Kate was obviously enjoying herself but she did sometimes give him a confused look when he'd roar and make random superhero comments at her. When we left she told me, "mommy, that boy was crazy but I think I liked him a lot!" Oh boy, is this what we'll be hearing for years to come?!? And, finally, I made some quinoa and roasted potatoes, brussels sprouts and carrots for dinner (hidden among other things because I knew she'd protest) but I wasn't expecting her to say, "I'm not sure what that is, but I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to eat it." Ha! Had to laugh at that one.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Splish splash!
Kate and Will still like to bathe together, but it's gotten a lot rowdier! They end up getting more water outside the tub than in it, but they do have fun. Grandma Connie got a big taste of this bath time routine last weekend when she watched both kids for two days AND A NIGHT. Yes, that deserves capitalization because it was my first night away from both kids. We've been away from Kate, but that seems long ago since it's been over a year since Ryan and I got to spend a night away. We went to Umatilla, of all places, to do a half marathon. The race was fine (not our best times, but good enough that I got 3rd woman overall and Ryan placed first in his age group), but the best part was that we got to have uninterrupted conversation!! I'd forgotten what it was like to have a leisurely dinner without needing to cut someone's food and hear "mommy, I need more milk," "mommy, I need....." Sure, we miss the kids, but nights away are vital for continued sanity! Thank you, mom! We'll let you do it again once you recover......:) For now I will leave you with Kate's weirdest/funniest comment of the day: (while brushing my hair) "mommy, we've just got to get these tangles out before daddy comes home because he sure doesn't want to come home to a messy wife." Who's been giving her lessons for the 1950s??? Sorry, Ryan, you get a "messy wife" quite frequently!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Will: So sweet, so BOY

I love these pictures of Will because they show his sweet, joyful side and his, well, just plain BOY side (not that nose-picking is an inherently boy trait, but it just seems much more of a little boy activity than a little girl one...) Nothing else to say about them, just that they make me smile each time I see them. Much like Will himself! I love you, my little boy!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Pumpkin patch 2.0
Monday, October 17, 2011
Our first conversation about the afterlife...
...not sure we got this one down as this is how it went:
Kate: "Mommy, what's that place that Fly went to?" (Fly is Grandma Connie's dog who died last year)
Me: "Fly went to heaven."
Kate: "Oh, yep, heaven. That's where Skye goes all the time." (Skye being Grandma Star's dog)
Me: "No, Skye lives Grandma Star and Grandpa Bobby's house."
Kate: "Sometimes Skye lives there and then sometimes she goes to heaven and then Grandma Star goes and picks her up."
....silence...as I try to figure this one out...
Kate: "You know it's sometimes called heaven and sometimes it's called doggie daycare."
Kate: "Mommy, what's that place that Fly went to?" (Fly is Grandma Connie's dog who died last year)
Me: "Fly went to heaven."
Kate: "Oh, yep, heaven. That's where Skye goes all the time." (Skye being Grandma Star's dog)
Me: "No, Skye lives Grandma Star and Grandpa Bobby's house."
Kate: "Sometimes Skye lives there and then sometimes she goes to heaven and then Grandma Star goes and picks her up."
....silence...as I try to figure this one out...
Kate: "You know it's sometimes called heaven and sometimes it's called doggie daycare."
Sunday, October 9, 2011
How we spent our weekend...
We took advantage of the really nice weather this weekend to hit the pumpkin patch! Kate loved all the playground-ish stuff they had, but claimed she "did not want to get pumpkins." Of course, she then asked why we didn't get any pumpkins as soon as we got in the car. Oh well...she was a cheap date! Will really got into all the animals and was trying to kiss them all, until a goat tried to eat him. I guess goats will eat anything! The other weekend highlights were homemade: Ryan built the kids a climbing wall for the play room and he made Kate a big slide in the backyard, which she went down in a plastic sled. He then endured an endless stream of, "I want to do it again!!!!"
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