Thursday, December 8, 2011

One more (important) thing!!

I forgot to say a HUGE Happy Birthday to the BEST daddy and husband the world has ever seen!! Ryan's birthday was Monday, but we're really celebrating this weekend when Grandma Connie comes to watch the kids for a night while Ryan and I go to Portland! Yippeee! And today is another important birthday--Happy, happy birthday to Jim! You are an amazing friend and I am forever grateful to have met you (and your lovely wife, of course! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AHHH! Happy birthday Ryan and thank you from Jim! We had a GREAT time in bonny Scotland at Loch Ness, and hope you guys are looking forward to a weekend away in Portland! Still remember so fondly the boys' birthdays 3 years ago when we went to see the Seahawks! Love you all, Big Kate (and Jim) xx