Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ode to Raffi

Raffi was a rockstar to me when I was young. Seriously. One of my earliest memories is of being at a Raffi concert, jumping around, doing a four-year-old's version of a headbang. I grew up and moved on, but Raffi has now returned to my life. And he's a rockstar to me again, but for a different reason now: his music makes Kate an angel on long car rides. All we have to do is turn his CD on and Kate goes into a Raffi-induced coma. Oh, the lovely sound of silence, apart from the Raffi singing part, of course. So, because Ryan and I love Raffi's baby-soothing ability so much, I've written a (very poor) ode to Raffi.....

Raffi, in our house, you're worshipped like a God,

Let me tell you why, since I know it's rather odd,

We listen to you in the car,

when we have to travel far,

We put your CD on and it's like a baby-sedative,

Or, perhaps, it's really meditative?

Whatever the reason, she loves to listen,

So you're mildly annoying lyrics we're really not dissin',

Sure, we're sick of "She came from France,"

but we keep listening since it makes Kate dance,

Over and over, WHY are your CDs so short?

We do look forward to the day Kate likes music of a different sort,

But, really, thank you dearly for making Kate quiet,

Our CD's nearly broken, I guess I'll go re-buy it!

So, there you have it, obviously the rainy day is making me crazy.....

PS The photo was taken over Christmas, Kate didn't have a bottle-relapse! :)

Happy New Year!

December 2008

December 2009

It's so hard to believe another year has passed....and to believe that our baby has turned into a toddler. She doesn't even look like the same kid anymore! As for our New Year's Eve day and eve, well, I guess Ryan and I are truly grown-ups because we spent the day doing projects around the house and had no desire to actually stay up until midnight (nor, I must admit, the ability!) Kate showed signs of growing up, too, by eating (gnawing) her first hard apple and by finally giving up bottles altogether. She'd taken to just holding the nipple in her mouth while she walked around, so she could be hands-free while still taking sips whenever she wanted. Not the best habit to get into, so we went cold turkey on the bottles yesterday. To my surprise, she didn't seem to mind a bit, and is now saying "cup" all the time. So, although none of us saw the clock strike midnight, we're happy to say we rang in 2010 just how we wanted--together (and asleep!) We're hoping for a healthy, prosperous, FUN year for ourselves, and for all our friends and family. May we see a more peaceful world this year, and may we all be able to enjoy the simple pleasures in life, just as we see Kate do each day!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Kate discovered a new game to play with Gumpa, and she's been saying "Kaboom!" ever since. We showed her that football players do a Kaboom-like chest bump after scoring touchdowns, so now it's all tied together in her head. She's been saying "foot-ba" and "touch" while doing the touchdown signal, and then saying "kaboom!" She's definitely Ryan's daughter, all she needs now is his Chargers helmet. Kate also knows that Gumpa does the best kabooms because she's been saying "Gumpa?" all day!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Gumpa & Ga Ga

As close as we could get to a family photo!

The whipped cream bandit strikes again!

Kate added two new favorite words to her vocabulary while we've been away--Gumpa (Grandpa) and Ga Ga (Grandma). We got home this afternoon and Kate spent the next few hours wandering the house, saying "Gumpa?" "Ga Ga?" I'm pretty sure she misses them. It was a whirlwind Christmas trip, but we had a great time with Ga Ga, two Gumpas, Aunt Courtney, Uncle John and Amanda. We stopped at Gumpa Mac's house first, where Kate got her first fabulous (if noisy!) Christmas present: a keyboard! She definitely likes banging away on it, especially since it has extra buttons to add in more rhythms and sounds. Her dancing is progressing along with her piano playing! In addition to playing the piano and keyboard, we visited OMSI (AMAZING place!!) where Kate especially enjoyed dismantling lego sculptures as fast as Gumpa could make them. We also went to McMenamin's where we discovered that Kate REALLY likes french fries and REI where she showed us that her obsession with "bik-as" (bikes) is still going strong. The bikes were in the same department as the strollers and I'm seriously considering calling up BOB to see if they give commissions because I sold one while we were there! Even the REI salesperson thanked me, although he may have thought I was half crazy the way I was enthusing about a stroller. But, I digress.....from Portland, we went to Bend and, since it was very crowded at my mom and Bill's house, we stayed in Sisters at our very generous friend Nancie's beautiful home. What a fantastic woman to trust a couple with a toddler to take over her house while she's away!! As far as we know, it was still standing when we left. Since we were in Sisters and Ga Ga was nice enough to stay with us some nights, Ryan and I went out one night to the Sisters brewery. I mention this because it was one of the single most momentous nights of Ryan's life. We sat next to his childhood idol, Dan Fouts, who was the quarterback for the San Diego Chargers when Ryan was younger. Lest you think this is not such a big deal, let me just say that Ryan did have a Chargers helmet, Fouts jersey and a subscription to Charger Football Weekly. I'm pretty sure that our wedding day and Kate's birth are now distant seconds on Ryan's list of most amazing days! :) I digress again....aside from the Fouts sighting, we did have a great time on Christmas. Although she repeated "Santa" over and over again all week, Kate had no idea what was going on. The first thing she pulled out of her stocking was Hello Kitty band-aids, so she proceeded to spend the rest of the morning playing with those and drawing on post-its with a pencil. Ah, the simple pleasures. She did get some wonderful presents from Santa, though. Now that we're home she's really taking to them, especially a truck which you hit with a hammer. Why am I not surprised that my delicate little flower likes a toy she can beat and crash into things?? Ga Ga had so many fun things for Kate to play with that she was never lacking for things to do, but somehow her favorite was to open the refrigerator and "help" Ga Ga cook. Just this evening we opened a present from Ga Ga Starla and Gumpa Bob and it was an instant hit: a Radio Flyer scoot bike!! Kate knew what it was immediately and couldn't wait for Ryan to put it together. She took a screwdriver and helped him, too. She figured out how to ride it right away, but she seemed to like fixing it as well. She kept putting her screwdriver in it, saying "fix bika, fix bika." Unfortunately (or fortunately, if you're looking for the humor angle), "fix" comes out like another choice "F" word. Ryan said she showing great mechanical signs already, swearing with a tool in her hand! Yes, it was definitely a Merry Christmas!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Merry Christmas!

The countdown to road trip time has begun! We're off for a weekend in Portland and then a week in Bend, and will be lucky enough to see lots of family. We'll greatly miss all those we aren't with this holiday, and we wish you all a very Merry Christmas! We love you!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The strangest thing that anyone has bought a child?

Yes, probably. Kate likes Hickory's collar so much that I got her a pink camo collar of her very own. I figured I was almost doing a good deed, as no dog should be subjected to wearing a collar covered in pink camouflage! Kate enjoys wearing it around so much it's almost like a fashion statement. Remember in the 90s when the hip hop/rap community started wearing pick combs sticking out of their hair and pulling one sweat pant leg up? I think Kate's expressing her unique sense of style in a similar progressive of her, right? :) Oh well, at least it's some cheap entertainment. And speaking of cheap entertainment, yesterday Kate got some free entertainment watching a dump truck and a backhoe (I think??) work in the alley behind our house. Ah yes, just more evidence of how girly she is. Kevin came over to play with her and all she could keep saying to him was "tuck, tuck!!" He may be the boy in their friendship, but Kate was way more into the "tuck" than he was. She got mad when it got dark and they stopped working, and she immediately went to the window this morning to see if they were at it yet. When she discovered it was still dark, she looked at me like it was my fault, saying "TUCK!" I'm hoping they come back today. As it's supposed to be a very mild 50 degrees out today, I may just take her back their to get an up close look. I used to do that when I'd babysit David and John, but I never imagined I'd be doing it with my own little girl one day!

Monday, December 14, 2009


Kate loves "ba-coos" (vacuums) so much that I got her one of her very own from Pottery Barn Kids. It's the first toy we've gotten her that she really liked right away. She chants "ba-coo, ba-coo" as she pushes it around. It's quite fun because it has little beads that whir around inside and it even picks up stuff with the suction hose! Now, if only I could get her to do ALL the vacuuming, we'd really be onto something! We had a nice, relaxing weekend and got lots of chores done around the house (mostly Ryan, of course!) Ryan and I spend a lot of time just chuckling at all Kate's antics around the house, and we're really enjoying watching her learn to talk. She has a running conversation going all the time now, and we can actually understand some of it now. "Ba-coo" is definitely one of my favorite words right now; I also like "hotter" (heater) and that she says "sit, mama"!! As all mommies and daddies know, we hardly ever sit down, so I like that she's actually commanding me to do it now! What a joy to watch her learn new things everyday. We're now on the countdown to Christmas, and visits to Grandpa Mac's house and then to Grandma Connie and Grandpa Bill's. Can't wait!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I KNEW she was smart!

We've always thought Kate was exceptionally smart for a baby (like all good parents think of their child!!), but now I've got some proof: her new favorite book is an Italian copy of Harry Potter. I have the Italian version because it is one of my life goals to be proficient in Italian, so perhaps Kate is trying to help me reach that goal. Whatever the reason, she does love it and carries the book around everywhere. She'll go find it if you ask her for "Harry." We're working on saying "Ciao!!" Now, we're just having a lazy Saturday morning while Ryan goes to get new tires on the truck. We had a great day yesterday at the Bainbridge Island children's museum. Kate liked it as much as she did last time, but what she liked best was a little Santa that was sitting outside a shop near the museum. It was only a bit taller than Kate, and she yelled "SANTA!" when she saw him. She was standing eye to eye with him, chanting "Santa, Santa" while everyone in the shop laughed. I found it funny because she loves saying "Santa" whenever she sees a picture of him, but she really has no idea who Santa is or what he does. I guess she'll be ready for next Christmas!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hair-raising temperatures!

So tired of this cold weather!

Practicing Christmas

Staying warm with daddy

It's been so cold and dry the past few days that Kate's hair is literally standing on end! The static is out of control; I'm afraid to touch anything!! But, on the plus side, it's been absolutely clear and sunny, so we can still bundle up and go outside a little. It will also be a bonus when it "warms" back up into the 40s and we feel like we're in the tropics. We've been keeping ourselves busy. Kate had Kindermusic and a play date with Kevin (who she now calls "buddy" when you say his name) on Tuesday. She really liked going to his house this time and playing with all his toys. He had a little play piano which she tried to surreptitiously steal. She just tucked it under her arm and made for the door when I said it was time to leave. Oh, my little klepto! Kevin's mom graciously offered it to her, but I think she probably needs to learn that not ALL toys go with her just because she wants them! Yesterday we played at home, mostly, and I rehearsed Christmas with her by using scraps of wrapping paper to wrap up some of her toys. She was clearly unimpressed. She went along with it, but just looked at me like "are you kidding me, mom?? I KNOW that's already mine!" So, so far, no interest in opening presents, but we'll see what the actual day holds (probably, she'll be interested in opening in gift that's not for her!) Today we have go to Wiggle Worms and tomorrow I'm taking Kate back to the Bainbridge Island kid's museum. We're keeping busy and waiting for the warming trend!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Baby, it's COLD outside!

Well, we entered a cold snap on Sunday, which means we were stuck inside most of the day. It's not that we mind cold so much, but it's also super windy so that's just not such a good combination. We even got a dusting of snow. Even the cat was seeking refuge, which might be why we found her huddled in this paper bag (much to Kate's delight, of course). We'll get back outside once the wind subsides, but I'm thinking I'm going to have to get creative with indoor activities this week so we don't go crazy! Kate has entertained herself this morning by reading "This Old House" magazine to Hickory. Aside from the cold, yesterday morning I had my sweetest "Kate moment" ever. I heard her babbling in her crib earlier in the morning than she usually wakes up. She'd been at it for awhile so I thought I should just go get her before she got upset. Once I was near her door, I could hear what she was saying. She was talking in her softest, nicest voice (doesn't happen much!) and saying "happy, happy, happy." She knows how to say "happy baby" because it's a yoga pose which is in her repertoire of a few she can do now. Anyway, it sounds more like "haaa-peee" when she says it. I just stood there and listened for awhile as she cooed away. Then, I went in to look at her and she was lying down, cuddling all her stuffed animals. She didn't even notice me, so I just left her there and she eventually went back to sleep. Whether or not she was actually meaning she was "happy," I choose to believe she was! How nice to think she loves her bed that much!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Yesterday was Ryan's birthday, and I was glad it was on a Saturday so we could spend it with him this year. It was not so eventful (the days of going out for parties and late nights seem less appealing when you're chasing after a toddler all day!), but it was still nice. Kate and I gave him a card which Kate picked out and decorated. She promptly reclaimed it after daddy opened it, but who could blame her when she did such a great job choosing an oversized card with pop-up puppies on it? We had a relaxing day, which included a run followed by doughnuts. Kate got a sugary doughnut hole which, probably spurred on by her taste of whipped cream on Thanksgiving, she decided she really liked. Ryan had his choice of anything he wanted for dinner, homemade or from a restaurant, and he chose.....macaroni & cheese. So, that's what we had for dinner. Followed by a peanut butter cup brownie cake that Kate and I made. He may be a year older, but I'm not sure his culinary tastes have matured! :) We love him so much, macaroni & cheese and all, and are the luckiest girls in the world. Happy Birthday!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Mommy's little helper

I tried to pack up some of Kate's older toys but, apparently, she was not quite ready to let go of them. Either that, or her chair obsession has expanded to include anything she can sit in. She read books in the box for quite some time so I won't complaining--I'm for anything that keeps her contained and entertained. Well, as this is our "big" news of the day, it's obvious that we don't have too much going on! We've settled back into our normal routine, but I think we're all still wishing we were on vacation. Luckily, we get to go again in just two weeks. I know a long vacation dry spell comes after that, so I'm planning on enjoying every minute. For now, we'll settle for playing in the dig pit and bundling up to head outside in the dry but COLD weather. Somehow kids don't seem affected by the cold, though, which is a quality I wish we never lost! I think Kate's ready to head out since she's now crawling around with Hickory's collar around her next, panting and pretending to be a dog. It must be a hint that the dog needs a walk. Off we go...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tantrums, whining...mommy's got a headache!

I look at this sweet face and I think Kate could not possibly throw loud, crazed tantrums...but, alas, she can and she does. She has been working on the art of the whine and the tantrum for a couple months now, and I think she's really starting to hone her craft (unfortunately!) Ryan and I like to think that she is just progressive, and is getting the "terrible twos" over with before she's one and a half, but I'm guessing that's just wishful thinking. She threw her first public tantrum in REI on our way down to Yreka. Ryan and I wanted to do a bit of Christmas shopping, but Kate was not liking sitting in the cart. After five hours in the car, I can't say I blame her. So, I let her out and quickly discovered that she wouldn't just stand by me like she used to do just weeks ago. No, she tore around the store like a Tasmanian devil unleashed. At first it was funny, especially when she saw all the rows of bikes and exclaimed, "BIK-A, BIK-A, BIK-A!!" I was literally out of breath chasing her (I must have run a few miles circling that store, I swear). It was going fine until I wouldn't let her touch all the grown-up books (i.e. books with pages that rip). She got SO mad and started screaming at the top of her lungs. Ryan said he heard her from across the store and thought, "yep, that's my kid." We made a beeline for each other because, of course, I'd left the car keys with him. Then I made a very ostentatious exit from the store. There was a huge armored truck outside, so Kate immediately ceased the tantrum, but I was practically sweating with embarrassment! Oh well, I knew it would happen one day and now the first one's out of the way. I know that most of her whining is just frustration since she can't communicate what she wants. She clearly knows what she's saying, but I have trouble deciphering it sometimes. To her credit, I have seen improvement in just the last couple days, as she is able to say new words every day. She's also getting good at showing me what she wants when she gets frustrated. She's starting to copy everything I say which, I hope, means easier days are ahead....of course, it also means Ryan and I have to start watching what we say!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A welcome discovery

Kate was delighted to find the cat sleeping in her crib yesterday! I've never caught the cat doing this, but I've had my suspicions that it's her favorite place while we're traveling. This is a bit ironic considering that she wants little to nothing to do with Kate most of the time, yet she likes to sleep in the bed that's covered in baby-scent. Go figure. Our cat has never been what we'd call "normal," so I guess it might not be that surprising after all. Anyway, Kate thought it quite funny to find a real cat among all her animals, although she later decided that she wasn't exactly keen on sharing her animals with the cat, so she pulled them all out from under the sleeping kitty and babbled away, probably saying "MINE, MINE!"