Saturday, October 31, 2009

Kate's Dig Pit

Ryan got inspired when we were at the Portland Children's Museum last weekend, so he built Kate her very own "dig pit!" He even found the same fake bark (rubbery tire-like pieces) to put in the bottom, which is perfect because it is soft but not messy. She absolutely loves it! I've never seen anything captivate her attention as long as the dig pit. All the locks and gadgets Ryan put up around it keep her really busy, as does picking the "bark" up piece by piece. I'm going to find her some shovels and rakes and trucks next week, so her pit will be fully equipped. Ryan already has plans in the works to expand the area so we can put her slide and some tunnels in it. I swear, Ryan has got to be one of the most talented people ever. I know he's my husband so I'm as biased about him as I am about Kate, but there is seriously nothing he can't do or build!

Happy Halloween!

What a difference a year makes! Kate was just 3 months last Halloween, and we were just finding our footing as parents. Now, Kate's a toddling toddler, and we feel like we're at least a bit more confident in the parenting department. It's hard to believe how fast it's passed. I feel a little nostalgic for infant Kate, but I sure don't miss those sleepless nights! Everyday seems to be a new adventure, and I'm sure there will be many changes by this time next year--she may even be trick or treating! This year Halloween will be low-key, in our efforts to keep her away from refined sugar as long as possible, but I'm sure we'll have her all dressed up and on doorsteps next year. She is getting a surprise this year, though, as Ryan is out in the garage right now working on a will be coming when he's done but, if you know Ryan, you know it's going to be amazing. Lucky girl, and lucky mommy to have daddy home again!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

A little trouble brewing...

I can't think of a more apt description for Kate! Usually, she's got some sort of trouble brewing, especially if she's been quiet and out of my sight for more than a few minutes. This is why I was surprised to find her studiously playing with her blocks the other day. It occupied her quietly for at least a solid 15 minutes (which is a lifetime in "mom time," I think). Granted, she doesn't exactly know which blocks go where, but she's trying. I love to watch her learn, and I'm astounded by how much she picks up each day. I know I'm her mom, but I think she's quite smart (obviously, no bias involved here!) Kate was supposed to have her 15-month check-up today, but her doctor was occupied at the hospital, so it got postponed. I was hoping to just get it over with, since she has to get lots of shots, but I'm sure Kate doesn't mind putting it off!! We'll have to wait a few weeks for those horrible little jabs. On the positive side of things, Ryan came home last night! We don't have much planned for this weekend, but I'm looking forward to it since daddy's back!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Kate's nemesis

If Hickory is Kate's best friend, hard soled shoes are her worst enemy! She absolutely refuses to walk in them. And, while I'd love to keep her in Robeez forever since they're so easy to get on her wiggly feet, more substantial shoes are needed now that it's getting wetter outside. Of course, Kate couldn't care less about having wet feet and walking over rocks and such in soft shoes. Whenever I put hard shoes on her, she just sits and stares at them like they are some evil alien device out to get her. On the plus side, Ryan pointed out that it's a great way to get her to sit still!

A little girl's best friend

I think it's such a special thing to have a pet growing up (perhaps because I have fond memories of the dog's we had when I was small), and I'm so glad that Kate has Hickory. She really does love Hickory. She likes to lay of Hickory's bed with her which is pretty sweet, despite the dog hair that she's constantly covered in! All day long, Kate brings Hickory things like books, pictures and--best in Hickory's eyes--food. Kate sneaks Hickory all sorts of treats, so it has developed into a two-way friendship. We even caught Kate trying to feed Hickory a bottle! I hope their friendship just grows as Kate does.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Grandpa's house, a piano & the zoo, oh my!

Kate's new buddy, James

Little lights: as interesting as any animal, apparently!

Lions (or to Kate, CATS)

The new baby elephant

Riding a hippo with Grandpa Mac

The "dig pit"

We're back from our fun weekend in Portland and, as with all trips, it went by way too fast. As usual, Kate made a beeline right for the piano as soon as we got to Grandpa's house. What she lacks in musicality, she definitely makes up for in enthusiasm. We went to a McMenamin's for dinner on Friday and Ryan and I now officially realize that the day's of sitting down to eat are over! Kate had a great time visiting all the other diners, though--she looked like she was at a cocktail party making her social rounds. Luckily, nobody seems to mind when a chubby cheeked little girl interrupts their dinner. On Saturday, we met Ryan's friend from college, Amy, and her family at the zoo. Amy and Kevin have Josie, who's four, and James, who is just five days older than Kate. They're zoo regulars so we had the perfect tour guides. Kate enjoyed herself, but she seemed just as interested in the people, trees, etc. as she was in the animals (hence the photo of her checking out the little light bulbs--they seemed to be her favorite exhibit!) Ryan and I really enjoyed seeing the animals, though. The zoo has just gotten lions again and they were definitely the highlight. SO regal looking. Even Kate got into the lions, thinking they were just enormous cats. One walked right past us and Kate's eyes were as big as saucers. I'm sure she'll be more interested in the zoo when she's a bit older, but it was still a really fun visit. On Sunday, in our quest to become Children's Museum connoisseurs, we visited the Portland version. It was sort of a spur of the moment visit, so we didn't stay for a really long time, but it was long enough for Kate to enjoy herself. Her very favorite part was the "dig pit" which was a completely cool idea. It was a big "pit" filled with what looked like broken up tires, so it was all really squishy. There were tons of trucks, shovels and buckets. We tried to show Kate how to use the shovel, but she had her own method. We're discovering that she is very detail oriented, and always examines things before she does them. So, she got the idea, but wanted to pick up one "rock" at a time to fill the shovel. She threw a tantrum when we left the pit, so it must have been a hit with her. When we were out and about, we were playing at Grandpa's house and enjoying all the wonderful cooking he did for us!! One thing I'm really thankful for is how much less nerve wracking it is to travel with Kate now. I used to worry if I brought all the right stuff, if she'd melt down in the car, etc. but now it's so much easier. Thanks to books, snacks and Raffi, she rarely cries on the long car rides, and she's easy to take places. Although there are days I wish she was a long napper, I think we really benefit from her not relying on naps. She can just kind of go with the flow and we don't have to worry too much about when we go where. It's so nice to feel more relaxed about being a parent!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Oh, what fun can be had with a big pillow. Kate, I bet you didn't think your housewarming gift would be put to such creative you; it's one of little Kate's favorite toys! Kate will be letting some more energy out this morning at Wiggle Worms, and we leave for Portland tomorrow so it's looking to be a great few days. Ryan's been down in Portland for work since Monday, so we'll both be very excited to see him. We're staying with Grandpa Mac and Kate is visiting the zoo for the first time on Saturday. I'm just hoping I can keep her from climbing in with the lions!

In other random thoughts about Kate, I've really been pondering whether she's ever going to take to using signs. The only ones she does with any regularity are "all done" and "more." The thing is, I know she KNOWS a lot more of them. If I use signs with her, even without speaking, she clearly knows what I'm talking about. And, yesterday, while trying to distract her on the changing table, I asked her what the sign for "blue" was and she did it. I kept going and asked her "red," "green," "yellow," "cat," "dog," "fish," "horse," "mommy," and "daddy." She did every one without hesitating! So, I know they're in her head, but I don't know how to get her to do them without prompting. I suppose time will tell, as with all baby stuff!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sending some cheer to Grandma Connie & Pam!

Just want to send some special love to my mom (now more importantly known as Grandma :) and our lifelong friend Pam who are in Nepal working in an orphanage. They're having a bit of a rough time dealing with the bureaucracies of a third world country and seeing kids who have so little. Let's all be thankful today for the lives we have--I feel so grateful for the safe, stable, happy life Kate leads. We love you Grandma and Pam, and are so proud of you for undertaking an adventure and opening all our eyes to how fortunate we truly are!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thanks, Karla!

We've found our inclement weather savior: the indoor slide. It is further proof that a baby takes up EVERY corner of your house as we had to remove the coffee table to make it fit, but if an indoor slide keeps Kate happy on rainy days, we're willing to relegate the table to the garage for awhile. MANY thanks to our wonerful friend Karla and her kids Kalli and Blake who so generously gave Kate their baby slide--you literally saved a rainy day!! Kate is obviously quite pleased with the set-up, despite the face plant she did at the end of the video....she cried, but still went right back to go for another round down the slide, tears and all!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Kate in the City

We knew Kate liked farms, and now we're absolutely positive she likes cities, too. We took a day trip to Seattle yesterday and, in her short life, I think it was one of her better days. Ryan had Seahawks tickets but we decided it would be too loud for Kate, so he went with some friends and Kate and I had a girls' day in the city. We knew we were headed for a positive day when we got on the ferry; Kate hasn't ridden it since she's been walking. She had a grand time making laps around the boat, checking out all the other riders. Normally, Kate's not very smile-y to strangers, but she was completely hamming it up. We split up after getting off the ferry, and Kate and I went to the Seattle Children's Museum, which I would probably go to every day if we lived in Seattle---I told Ryan I would have paid $100 to get in but, luckily, it's only $7.50 (and worth EVERY penny). On the walk there, Kate discovered that Seattle folks are friendly and will wave back at you...Kate waved at every person, dog, balloon, EVERYTHING we passed. Once we got to the museum, we discovered that it is literally room after room of fun for kids. We started in the area for little ones, and Kate was hooked immediately. Everything was at her height and there was a slide, so it was basically her heaven. Once she found the slide, I wasn't sure we'd ever leave that spot, but she did end up exploring all the other features, like a canal to float boats on and big squishy blocks that were covered in zippers, buttons and laces (GENIUS toy, I think). I tried to get photos of Kate's face, but she was too busy to look at me! Next, we went to the Sesame Street room, where the big attraction was an obstacle course. It was safe for Kate, but it was really for bigger kids, since they do it by themselves. She went right into it, though, and I was so proud to see her go by herself. I suppose only a mommy could know the ridiculous level of pride that can be associated with seeing a kid climb up and over things! There was just so much to do everywhere....a construction room, a theater room, a supermarket, restaurant...we did pretty much all of it! There was even a book room with squashy chairs to cuddle up on, so we ended there after more than two hours of hard playing. We left to find nice sunshine outside, so we watched the carnival rides (no surprise that Kate was quite interested in the roller coaster!) and the Space Needle, and then walked through Pike Street Market to see the guys throwing fish. We made it back to the ferry to meet Ryan; unfortunately, the Seahawks played a terrible game, but he still had a good time watching. We agreed that we'd go for another day trip soon so that daddy can experience the AMAZING museum---if the Seahawks stay bad, we may become museum season ticket holders soon!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Thanks, Grandma!

Kate is now the proud owner of her first horse! Proving that you can find ANYTHING at Costco, Kate now has a rocking horse that neighs and wags its tail. She's been exploring all its parts, and seems especially taken with the stirrups at the moment. She's been feeding the horse Cheerios and has given rides to all her animals and pictures of animals. She can't quite climb up on it yet, but I'm sure she'll be a buckin' bronco here soon. While Kate is pleased, Hickory remains quite unsure--I think she may think the horse is competition for Kate's food sharing!

We had a really nice day yesterday, starting with a run and doughnuts (fine tradition, I think!) We played at home and took Hickory out for a walk. It was just one of those nice family days that reminds me how lucky I am to have Ryan, Kate, Hickory, and (most of the time) Frank. To make the day even better, Ryan surprised me with a massage and that's where I'm headed now!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wiggle Worms with Grandma!

Grandma Starla came to Wiggle Worms with Kate yesterday, and Kate had lots of fun showing off for her. Kate and Grandma also "raced" around the big gym (somehow Kate always managed to pull out the victory), and Grandma said she definitely saw shades of Ryan in Kate's love of anything sporty. It has been so fun having Grandma and Uncle Jay here--Kate's really found a new buddy in her Uncle. They left this morning, so the house is now way too empty. Thanksgiving isn't far away, though, so we'll be seeing them again soon!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

This little piggy....

is a popular game around this house! Since I know Grandma Connie loves Kate's little toes, I hope these pictures tide her over until she sees Kate again. Hope you're having fun in Nepal, Grandma!! We're having a great time here with Grandma Starla and Uncle Jay....all that's missing is Grandpa Bob and Aunt Cyndi. We miss you all!!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Well, we're sore today, but happy because the marathon went really well! It was an absolutely perfect day for a race, cool and sunny with no wind. Ryan and I both ran better than we expected and were both pleased with our times and, most of all, pleased that we were able to finish strong and still walk after!! Ryan blazed through the course in 3:10 and I ran it in 3:33, personal bests by a lot for both of us, and qualifying times for the Boston Marathon as well! It really couldn't have been better or more fun for us. Thank you SO much to Starla and Jason for watching over Kate. They got to play and eat at the Crab Festival, so (unless they're just being kind) everything went just fine while we were gone. Overall, a fantastic time had by all!! And the best part is that Ryan and I get to spend the next few days eating in gluttonous excess, chalking it all up to the marathon! Bring on the doughnuts! :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Good Luck, Mommy & Daddy!

If Kate could talk, I'm sure she'd be wishing us good luck this weekend in the Victoria Marathon (that, or she'd be asking if she could run with us, or she'd just say, "whatever, I've got my vacuum, so I'm happy.") We're excited for the race, and are very fortunate that Grandma Starla and Uncle Jason are coming up to watch Kate for the night. Ryan and I are heading over on Saturday and starting the run on Sunday morning, so if you have any great running vibes to send, please do!! We're hoping all the training with the stroller will pay off in a good, and fun, race. It is doubly exciting because we get to have Grandma and Jay with us for the whole week after!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My little multitasker

Kate seems to have learned the way of women everywhere: do more than one thing at a time whenever possible! Aaah, a lady at heart. We just got back from Wiggle Worms and I very much wish that class was every day!! Kate seems to love it, if running around the room, squealing and clapping means anything. She gets to climb to her heart's content on things that are actually meant to climb on (rather than bookshelves, counters, etc., etc.) I have visions of installing a gymnastics room at home.....Ryan wouldn't mind building that, right?? After class, Kate went to the exercise studio where a spin class was in progress. She must have been drawn by the music. She proceeded to "dance" for the class which, for her, consists of fast squats and spastic leg movements. She's gotten very much in to dancing lately, and it seemed to crack up the class as much as it does Ryan and me!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

No complaints!

I realize that the opportunities to say this are few and far between, so I've got to mention it: the weather here has been absolutely perfect the past couple days! Yes, here, in Port Angeles, in October-PERFECT. No clouds, bright sun and warm enough to actually wear shorts! I must remember this day when it's grey and cloudy. We've definitely tried to take advantage. Yesterday, we started with our two-week-old Sunday morning tradition of a recovery run and doughnuts! Then, we (Ryan) got the yard looking fantastic while Kate and I played in the park and watched a tennis tournament. As Ryan and I have dreams that she will become an elite athlete (or something) and support us in our old age, I was quite pleased that she took a keen interest in watching the match. I wouldn't have even stopped, but she sat her little self outside the fence and just stared. True, this may have been because of all the bouncing balls flying around, but still... I digress. Today, we went down to the waterfront and played in the sand, and there were actually kids there in swimsuits! Aaaaah, if only it could last forever but, since winter will someday be upon us, we will enjoy these days wholeheartedly. Now, back outside.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Harvest Days

Autumn has definitely arrived this past week; it just doesn't have the summer smell outside anymore and there's a definite chill in the air. It's hard to leave summer behind, but we did our best to welcome in the new season today. Farms around the area held a Harvest Days celebration, which is definitely the perfect outing for Kate. We visited the Dungeness Valley Creamery to see cows and the Freedom Farm to see horses--there were lots of other attractions, of course, but cows and horses are the main draw for Kate. She spent the whole time pointing and saying "Dees, Dees!" which, we think, is her way of saying "this, this!" She actually tried to climb in a pen with a small mule, and I think she would have been fine if we'd left her behind with the animals!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I love me some me...

In the immortal words of Terrell Owens (only football fans will get this one, I know), Kate does love herself some Kate. Fortunately, such vanity is cute when you're one. Or, at least, I think it is!