Thursday, October 22, 2009


Oh, what fun can be had with a big pillow. Kate, I bet you didn't think your housewarming gift would be put to such creative you; it's one of little Kate's favorite toys! Kate will be letting some more energy out this morning at Wiggle Worms, and we leave for Portland tomorrow so it's looking to be a great few days. Ryan's been down in Portland for work since Monday, so we'll both be very excited to see him. We're staying with Grandpa Mac and Kate is visiting the zoo for the first time on Saturday. I'm just hoping I can keep her from climbing in with the lions!

In other random thoughts about Kate, I've really been pondering whether she's ever going to take to using signs. The only ones she does with any regularity are "all done" and "more." The thing is, I know she KNOWS a lot more of them. If I use signs with her, even without speaking, she clearly knows what I'm talking about. And, yesterday, while trying to distract her on the changing table, I asked her what the sign for "blue" was and she did it. I kept going and asked her "red," "green," "yellow," "cat," "dog," "fish," "horse," "mommy," and "daddy." She did every one without hesitating! So, I know they're in her head, but I don't know how to get her to do them without prompting. I suppose time will tell, as with all baby stuff!!


Anonymous said...

Oh Bryn, with Kate mastering the couch your Mommy stress level will be at least a 10. Flashbacks to Jay and Ry at that age! Hang in there. Love, Gram S.

Anonymous said...

So cute! Have fun in Portland! xoxo Auntie C.

Anonymous said...

Gosh I remember wrapping up that huge pillow in brown paper and posting it to you from my office (in either 2005 or 06...). I am very glad that Kate is getting so much fun out of it! Liberty's would be horrified to know their haut-decor was being savaged in such a way, but I think it's exactly what it should be used for! Much love, Kate and Jim xx