Kate seems to have learned the way of women everywhere: do more than one thing at a time whenever possible! Aaah, a lady at heart. We just got back from Wiggle Worms and I very much wish that class was every day!! Kate seems to love it, if running around the room, squealing and clapping means anything. She gets to climb to her heart's content on things that are actually meant to climb on (rather than bookshelves, counters, etc., etc.) I have visions of installing a gymnastics room at home.....Ryan wouldn't mind building that, right?? After class, Kate went to the exercise studio where a spin class was in progress. She must have been drawn by the music. She proceeded to "dance" for the class which, for her, consists of fast squats and spastic leg movements. She's gotten very much in to dancing lately, and it seemed to crack up the class as much as it does Ryan and me!!
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