Thursday, April 30, 2009

Kate's "reading"!

Of course, Ryan and I have become "those" parents that think their child is infinitely smarter than any other....and, just to prove it, here is video of Kate reading. That may be giving her a BIT too much credit, but she had made her mommy proud by showing an early love of books. She has loved being read to for awhile, but she'll now sit and "read" to herself. As you can see, she can read books both forwards and cookie! :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Welcome to Kate's world!

Well, Kate's 9 months old today, so she's now been out in the world as long as she was cooking inside my tummy! How did it happen so fast? Everyone said that baby-hood would fly by, and I just nodded my head and smiled hearing this while I was pregnant. It couldn't be more true, though, and I realize it more each day. So much happens with this funny little lady each day it seems that I thought this would be a great way to remember it all (thanks for the idea Cindy and Heather!) Kate's a speedy crawler now, and is currently heading for the door so that's it for now...welcome to Kate's world because it truly is hers now, Ryan & I just live in it!