Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Welcome to Kate's world!

Well, Kate's 9 months old today, so she's now been out in the world as long as she was cooking inside my tummy! How did it happen so fast? Everyone said that baby-hood would fly by, and I just nodded my head and smiled hearing this while I was pregnant. It couldn't be more true, though, and I realize it more each day. So much happens with this funny little lady each day it seems that I thought this would be a great way to remember it all (thanks for the idea Cindy and Heather!) Kate's a speedy crawler now, and is currently heading for the door so that's it for now...welcome to Kate's world because it truly is hers now, Ryan & I just live in it!

1 comment:

Cindy Anna said...

Ooooo, I'm so excited about your blog! And I love that quilt Kate's crawling on!