Monday, October 5, 2009

No complaints!

I realize that the opportunities to say this are few and far between, so I've got to mention it: the weather here has been absolutely perfect the past couple days! Yes, here, in Port Angeles, in October-PERFECT. No clouds, bright sun and warm enough to actually wear shorts! I must remember this day when it's grey and cloudy. We've definitely tried to take advantage. Yesterday, we started with our two-week-old Sunday morning tradition of a recovery run and doughnuts! Then, we (Ryan) got the yard looking fantastic while Kate and I played in the park and watched a tennis tournament. As Ryan and I have dreams that she will become an elite athlete (or something) and support us in our old age, I was quite pleased that she took a keen interest in watching the match. I wouldn't have even stopped, but she sat her little self outside the fence and just stared. True, this may have been because of all the bouncing balls flying around, but still... I digress. Today, we went down to the waterfront and played in the sand, and there were actually kids there in swimsuits! Aaaaah, if only it could last forever but, since winter will someday be upon us, we will enjoy these days wholeheartedly. Now, back outside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bryn, your grandmother's favorite word was "savor." It must be in the DNA!