Just want to send some special love to my mom (now more importantly known as Grandma :) and our lifelong friend Pam who are in Nepal working in an orphanage. They're having a bit of a rough time dealing with the
bureaucracies of a third world country and seeing kids who have so little. Let's all be thankful today for the lives we have--I feel so grateful for the safe, stable, happy life Kate leads. We love you Grandma and Pam, and are so proud of you for undertaking an adventure and opening all our eyes to how fortunate we truly are!
Thank you,Brynny. This experience is teaching Pam and I things we already knew, but took for granted. The children here have one outfit each, which was worn out long before they received it, they eat rice twice a day and little else, and they have never seen toys. The biggest deprivation, though, is that they aren't loved by any family. We are doing our best in this short length of time to cheer them, but we realize daily that it takes a life-time to make a difference. We miss and love you three and I long to hug Kate again. Grandma
Nice post Bryn. It is amazing how blessed we are and easy to forget that others are less fortunate. Big hugs from Madison! xoxo Courtney
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