Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

What a difference a year makes! Kate was just 3 months last Halloween, and we were just finding our footing as parents. Now, Kate's a toddling toddler, and we feel like we're at least a bit more confident in the parenting department. It's hard to believe how fast it's passed. I feel a little nostalgic for infant Kate, but I sure don't miss those sleepless nights! Everyday seems to be a new adventure, and I'm sure there will be many changes by this time next year--she may even be trick or treating! This year Halloween will be low-key, in our efforts to keep her away from refined sugar as long as possible, but I'm sure we'll have her all dressed up and on doorsteps next year. She is getting a surprise this year, though, as Ryan is out in the garage right now working on a will be coming when he's done but, if you know Ryan, you know it's going to be amazing. Lucky girl, and lucky mommy to have daddy home again!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our little "punkin" Kate is a special Halloween treat for this Gram and Gramps. We miss you Kate (Mommy, Daddy and Hickory as well!). Love, Gram & Gramps S.