Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

December 2008

December 2009

It's so hard to believe another year has passed....and to believe that our baby has turned into a toddler. She doesn't even look like the same kid anymore! As for our New Year's Eve day and eve, well, I guess Ryan and I are truly grown-ups because we spent the day doing projects around the house and had no desire to actually stay up until midnight (nor, I must admit, the ability!) Kate showed signs of growing up, too, by eating (gnawing) her first hard apple and by finally giving up bottles altogether. She'd taken to just holding the nipple in her mouth while she walked around, so she could be hands-free while still taking sips whenever she wanted. Not the best habit to get into, so we went cold turkey on the bottles yesterday. To my surprise, she didn't seem to mind a bit, and is now saying "cup" all the time. So, although none of us saw the clock strike midnight, we're happy to say we rang in 2010 just how we wanted--together (and asleep!) We're hoping for a healthy, prosperous, FUN year for ourselves, and for all our friends and family. May we see a more peaceful world this year, and may we all be able to enjoy the simple pleasures in life, just as we see Kate do each day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well put. I've decided to swap roaming the world for a few close-ups of my wonderful, interesting, delightful little Kate. Some things are just too important to miss. Ga Ga (Not to be confused with Lady Ga Ga)