Monday, November 21, 2011

First snow of the year!

We had our first snowfall on Thursday night, and it wasn't just a skiff--it was about 4-5 inches! Kate woke up and was entirely shocked that there was snow in our yard AND in the park next door. She immediately insisted on going out to sled and ski in her pajamas and, although we told her we'd wait just a bit, she still went about stuffing her pajama-clad feet into her boots. She was seriously distraught when she wailed, "but I'm really hungry!!" She seemed to think it a huge injustice and inconvenience that her hunger was getting in the way of her snow plans. Once we got through breakfast, Kate & Will did indeed enjoy the snow...many times over the weekend. The park next door has a fantastic hill that was just the right size for sledding and for Kate to try out skiing. She started out on the little plastic skis which you put your own boots in, and then graduated to her real skis and boots. Of course, she insisted on barrelling down the hill "by myself!" She fell again and again, but it didn't really phase her and she kept wanting to "do it again!" By Sunday afternoon, she was making it down the hill on her own. Ryan and I were completely impressed! Will, too, enjoyed the first snow he's been in since he was too small last year. We went on endless rounds around the park, and every time the sled would stop, he'd sign "more." Naturally, HUGE tantrums ensued when it was time to go inside so, also naturally, we resorted to bribery of marshmallows (it started as hot chocolate with marshmallows until I realized we had no hot chocolate...). All in all, it was a great first snow....good thing since I'm sure we have about 6 months of snow ahead of us!

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