Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thankful--Part 2

Today at school, Kate had a Thanksgiving "feast" (they even made butter--God, preschool teachers are brave!!) and made paper bag turkeys. On the turkey feathers, we wrote what they were thankful for. I asked Kate what she wanted to put on her feathers and she said, "I'm thankful for ponies, Metallica, Will, mommy and daddy...oh, and I'm really thankful for me, so I'd say that first." So, to recap, mommy and daddy are now making the list and are about as high up as we aspire to be since I don't think we'll ever top Kate herself, ponies, Metallica and Will!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's true. Preschool teachers are saints. I'm thankful for them!
Grandma Connie