We have been seriously lucky in the weather department lately, high-60s and sunny. Autumn is definitely the best time of year when it's like this. So, to get ourselves a good daily dose of vitamin D, I took the kids back to the pumpkin patch today. On the downside, we didn't have daddy with us but, on the upside, going on a weekday means it's really mellow and empty. The kids still loved the playground (give Will dirt of any sort and he's good for hours) and Will still obsessed over the animals (while Kate continuously pointed out, "I sure hope a goat doesn't try to eat him like the last time...."). We were not attacked by any goats, luckily, and the kids had great fun chasing chickens and turkeys. This time, we actually made it to the pumpkin patch itself. When we got down to it, Will started clapping and making very excited utterances that sounded like they must mean "oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!!!" I thought, "gee, he must harbor some deep-down love of pumpkins that he's just now fulfilling" (or something of the sort since he seemed awfully thrilled about something he'd never seen before). When I put him down, I realized that he was excited because he thought it was a field full of balls. He went up to a huge one and tried to kick it. When that produced no effect, he tried to pick it up. No luck there. He toddled over to a smaller one, picked it up, hurled it as far as he could and then clapped for himself while laughing hysterically. And on it went. Fortunately, he can't throw far or hard enough to cause damage to the pumpkins (also, we were pretty much the only ones there, so I didn't try to stop him). Kate enjoyed watching him do this, while shouting, "Will thinks he has big balls!!!" at the top of her lungs. Like I said, fortunately, we were the only ones there. Overall, lots of fun had by all!
1 comment:
What a crack-up...I couldn't stop laughing...thanks Kate & Will for the adult version of a belly-laugh! Love, Gram Star
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