Saturday, October 29, 2011

Halloween warm-up

Kate has had no shortage of practice for Halloween considering all the times she's worn her ladybug and Spiderman costumes, but she had her first "official" Halloween party at school on Thursday. And, of course, she decided to go as a black cat. Actually, in the days prior to the party she went from wanting to be a ladybug, to wanting to be Spiderman with ladybug wings, to wanting to be Spiderman with ladybug wings AND a cat which point, I said "why don't you just be a cat?" For the day, that seemed to excite her, mostly because she got to wear a tail and she got to have whiskers drawn on her face (I had to very firmly explain to her that I was not using markers to draw on her face...caught her JUST in time!) Costume drama aside, the party was great. It was the first in a long line of school parties which, as I remember, are about the best part of school. Their teacher came up with a million games and projects that only preschool teachers can think up (I'm beginning to think that preschool teachers not only have the hardest job around but are complete geniuses). They got to decorate pumpkin cookies and make a "witches brew." They loved it all, and so did Will. I'm still not sure Kate gets the whole dressing up concept, though, because when people asked her if she was a cat she would just look at them and say, "No, I'm a kid." She'll have another chance to dress up tomorrow because it's the town Halloween parade which is about the best thing of the year, in my opinion. All the little kids in town meet at the park and parade through downtown, where all the shops hand out candy. I've heard a lot of shopkeepers saying it's their favorite day of the year. For now, Kate's going to be "ladybug girl" but this could all change by tomorrow!! In other milestone news that I must write about so I don't forget one day: I took Kate and Will swimming today and Kate swam on her own (without a flotation device) for the first time! So proud of her!! She's come a long way since the first swimming lesson, and it's fantastic to see her so happy with her success. Love my little ladybug/Spiderman/cat/kid!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who was that SCARY black cat on the blog? This grandma was SO frightened!!! Have a fun time trick or treating Kate & Will.
Love you, Gram S.