Friday, October 28, 2011

Comments of the day...

Kate was on fire in the conversation department today. There were quite a few times I thought "I need to remember this one..." and, predictably, I can literally only remember a FEW of them. First, we went to an open gym at a gymnastics academy today, and both Will and Kate LOVED it. This was obvious from the way they were both running around, giggling and shrieking, but it got even better when Kate was in the big foam pit and was screaming "I LOVE THIS PLACE! THIS IS THE BEST THING I'VE EVER DONE!!! MOMMY, I LOVE THIS!!" Guess I know where we'll be going this winter. Second, we went to the park this afternoon and Kate was playing with a little boy who was four. He was running around, chasing Kate and making all the noises that only little boys make (not really identifiable but definitely a boy thing). Kate was obviously enjoying herself but she did sometimes give him a confused look when he'd roar and make random superhero comments at her. When we left she told me, "mommy, that boy was crazy but I think I liked him a lot!" Oh boy, is this what we'll be hearing for years to come?!? And, finally, I made some quinoa and roasted potatoes, brussels sprouts and carrots for dinner (hidden among other things because I knew she'd protest) but I wasn't expecting her to say, "I'm not sure what that is, but I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to eat it." Ha! Had to laugh at that one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bill read this and yelled, "Yes, Kate-ster!!" I was sure he'd love that vegetable comment.
Grandma Connie