Friday, October 7, 2011

Will, you're wearing mommy out!!

I've now been trying to write one sentence on this post for the last 10 minutes and, in that time, Will has: "helped" me type, pulled the mouse out of the computer, climbed on the couch twice, dove off once and pulled over the tool bench (much to his delight, not to Kate's). I tried turning on a "Baby Einstein" movie to buy me a few minutes, but he turned the DVD player off three times, so I gave up on that. And he is like this all day long, which is why he's wearing me out. And why I hardly ever update this blog anymore...when Kate was the same age, I think I posted a lot more, but she was NOTHING like Will. In hindsight, she was super easy!!....BIG PAUSE....Okay, I wrote the above TWO DAYS ago, and I'm just now getting a chance to get back to it (and that's only because Will is in bed)...I gave up on the last post because he walked across the room with a toy hammer and started bashing away at the computer. As I was saying, this is a whole new world! It must be the difference between boys and girls because all my friends say their girls were like Kate (not destructive, not climbers, didn't require babyproofing). Boys, on the other hand, are a totally different animal. I left him for literally 30 seconds the other day to help Kate and, while my back was turned, he opened the dishwasher (he's figured out the lock, so that's no help anymore), climbed onto it and was drinking out of my coffee mug with one hand while trying to haul himself onto the counter with the other! At least the coffee was gone--clearly, he doesn't need a boost from caffeine! Basically nothing in our house is safe. Which is why yesterday was great because I took them to meet some friends at an indoor play place where he (and Kate) could run some energy out and play with new toys (always more fun than their own). Will LOVED the little car that you can climb in. He knew immediately to turn the wheel and honk the horn and go, "vroom, vroom." Boys seem to have the knowledge of car/truck noises as a genetic trait. Kate and her friend pushed him all over the place while he howled with laughter. As the weather turns, I think we'll be going there more as the weather turns--if for no other reason but to save our house from certain destruction!! All that said, Will is so much fun. I love that he's walking and starting to talk and giving kisses and hugs. I think one to two is my favorite age. I love that Kate still calls him little mischief, but that she also calls him "honey" sometimes. They are a busy pair who, in turn, keep me so busy that I'm probably not going to be updating this blog as much as I like, but we're here, we're happy and, hopefully, our house will still be standing as Will grows!


Anonymous said...

Oh Bryn, isn't mommyhood GRAND! Love, Gram S.

Anonymous said...

Sitting here in my quiet little space, I treasure your posts, knowing that 14 miles away is a totally different world! Thank you, Brynny, for persisting and keeping us up to date on your crazy days.
Grandma Connie