Monday, February 1, 2010

Vashon Island & spaghetti!

My little yogi!

Is the weekend over already?? We had a great one, and we're always sorry to see it over, especially since daddy has to go back to work. Kate says "daddy vork (work)" like it is something that leaves a disgusting taste in her mouth. I agree! So, how did we spend this nice weekend? We started it off with a bang (note the sarcasm here) by taking a Friday night trip to Costco. We didn't even end up buying anything, but Kate really liked sampling some yogurt and toast. Ryan and I remarked that we must be getting old if our wild Friday night is a trip to Costco!! Saturday proved much more exciting since we took a trip to Vashon Island to see some friends who have a two-month-old baby. We've never been to Vashon Island, and we're always up for seeing new parts of Washington. Our friends, Zach and Ellen, have a house right on the water that can only be reached by a pedestrian boardwalk. Everyone has big wheelbarrows for hauling in groceries and such. It was very peaceful, but I was just thinking it must be quite an ordeal when you're trying to lug a baby in a carseat along with your shopping! Their baby, Delia, slept most of the time and Kate just kept saying "sleeping" as if she's already learned that babies don't actually DO much. We went out for a nice lunch, and then hopped the ferry back to the mainland. Kate was asleep before we'd even reached the ferry, so I think she had a nice time. Yesterday, we had a relaxing day and then went to a spaghetti dinner benefit for a friend of ours who has cancer. It's such a horribly sad situation, but it was heartening to see so many people there supporting her. Kate sat nicely all the way through dinner, and then really hit her stride at the silent auction, where she started running around like she owned the place. Overall, a very nice weekend and very successful in our opinion: two meals in restaurants during which Kate sat quietly and Ryan and I actually ate our food!! This is a major milestone for us (and, no, I'm not being sarcastic this time!)


Anonymous said...

She's getting the hang of it because you 3 eat at the table every night. Nice work, parents!. You do a super job.

Anonymous said...

What a busy weekend. We send positive thoughts that your co-worker will respond to her cancer treatments, Ry. Think of you all often, Love, Gram S.