Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A toddler's honesty

You've got to love the things that come out of kids' mouths. Now that Kate's a pretty good talker, her opinions are really coming to light. Just a few minutes ago, she was playing with my ponytail. She swished it around a bit and, in all seriousness, said "momma wag tail." I can see I'm just at the beginning of many toddler ego-blows to come! What else? Well, not much, because the house is just too quiet and empty now that Bob and Starla have left. Kate asked for them all day yesterday, and kept thinking they would be showing up any time. When she got up this morning, she asked "GaGa sleeping? Gumpa sleeping?" It was so hard to explain that they had to go back to their house. I'm sure that she's wondering why they would ever want to do that when they could be sitting on the floor playing Legos with her for the rest of their days!! We'll get another grandparent fix in about a week when we go to Bend---here's hoping this week flies by!

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