Thursday, February 11, 2010

Juggling your toddler's social calendar....

is no easy feat! Kate's only 18 months and she's already got multiple play dates and classes every week. I can only imagine what it will be like when she hits school-age! It's good preparation, I'm sure. She's way busier than I am! :) We had a play date at the park with her buddy Kevin yesterday. They always want to switch back and forth on the swings, in case the one they're not using is better. Early lessons in wanting what we don't have! They also love racing down the slides, although one of them always goes before we say "go" anyway. I'm just glad that we're able to get them outside to play....I'm so thankful we're not in the Northeast blizzard right now!! People could actually be envious of the Port Angeles weather this winter, and that's not something we can say very often! The sun's peeking out right now, so I think we'll go out in the stroller. Oh, and Kate had a second very great day (hour) at daycare, so the first time wasn't a fluke--she loves it!

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