Monday, February 22, 2010

First "big girl" haircut!

Kate had her first real haircut today. She's had about 5 trims around the front, but this was the first time the back was cut, too. It's a little sad to see those long curls go, but it was getting so shaggy that I knew it was time. She had more than an inch taken off the back! Now she has a chic toddler bob. I can't say that she loves the experience, but she didn't cry. All day yesterday and this morning, I kept telling her that we were going to get her haircut, that she would sit on mommy's lap, that Kim would cut her hair and that Kim was really nice. So, by the time we got there, Kate was like a little robot, repeating "sit mommy's lap" and "Kim nice." I don't know if it helped prepare her, but we made it through without tears, so that's a victory to me!


Anonymous said...

She is darling! She really looks like a toddler now. I hope you saved a lock or 2. Ga-Ga

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see that new haircut in person tomorrow...see you all very soon! Love, Gram and Gramps