Monday, February 8, 2010

First day of daycare!

Kate went to daycare on her own for the first time today, and she had no trouble at all adjusting to it. She didn't cry when I left; in fact, she immediately started playing and didn't even look at me! I really, really like the daycare and the women who run it, so I felt completely comfortable leaving her there. When I came back, she was playing and told me "no" when I said it was time to go. The toddler teacher remarked that Kate "talks A LOT"...tell me about it! Usually, she clams up when we're out of the house, so she must be quite comfortable there. It did feel strange to leave her and actually have a whole hour to myself (!) but I can definitely get used to it.... For now, she's going to go two times a week for an hour, but I'm already thinking she might rather stay two hours! At any rate, it's a great step in her becoming more independent and confident when I'm not around. Other than the big daycare news, we did have a fun weekend. Saturday was gorgeous, so Ryan and I took Kate to a park in Sequim that has a whole bunch of slides. Naturally, she tried every one of them multiple times. They also have a zipline, which Kate was enthralled with, but couldn't quite get the concept of actually holding on to it. Perhaps that's for the best because I don't think I'm quite ready to watch her come whizzing by!! Yesterday, we celebrated Superbowl Sunday by having a few friends over. My, how times change once you have kids, don't they? There were two 18 month olds and one 5 month old, so the grown-ups' conversation drifted toward getting infants to sleep and how horrid childbirth is!! We did manage to see some of the game or, at least, we saw who won!! It was nice to have friends over, though, and even nicer to have found friends with kids who know the need to end the party by 7 pm!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to both of you on the first day of daycare! It is second only to the first day of school, as I remember it. A big step and a good one.

Anonymous said...

A new of many! I'm so thrilled that you have a little time for yourself, Bryn. It is a benefit to both you and Kate. You are such an awesome Mom. Love, Gram S.