Kate and Ryan spent the weekend together while I went to a yoga teacher training this weekend, and it sounds like they had quite a good time! Kate took over Valentine's Day duties by making daddy some cupcakes and decorating a card for him (which she promptly reclaimed after giving it to him). It was the first time I've been away from both Ryan and Kate for a whole weekend but, with daddy in charge, I didn't worry one bit. I was sure they were having a great time, so I could really enjoy the weekend and take in all there was to learn. It was completely bizarre to have two whole days without being mommy, but I must say it was nice to feel like I was giving all my focus to something that I enjoy (not nearly as much as being a mommy, of course, but still...) I went with a friend who has a five-month-old and it was quite a treat for her, too, especially since she got a full night's sleep for the first time in many months!! I can honestly say that I know exactly how that feels. I would have been over the moon at the idea of an uninterrupted night's sleep when Kate was five months!! We do start to appreciate the simple things more as mothers and fathers, don't we? It's definitely one of the gifts--and one of the challenges--of parenthood. At any rate, I am so thankful that I got to have this experience and am now refreshed and ready to be full-time mommy again. I'm not sure Kate's ready, though, because she was definitely preferring daddy this morning! As well she should: he's an amazing dad in all ways. Thanks, Ryan, for my weekend away!!
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