Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A (mini) milestone

We've completed the first leg of our move: Kate and I are in Portland enjoying some time at Grandpa Mac's. Poor Ryan, Bob and Starla have spent the last two days packing and cleaning, which makes me feel incredibly guilty, especially when I hear how tired even Ryan sounds by the end of the day! I guess being the pregnant one has its perks, not having to do the moving being one big one. Ryan drove the moving van to Bend today and, hopefully, by the time of this posting, is enjoying a beer (or five). Kate and I are having a much easier time in Portland. Today, she became a bit more of a "big girl" because I took her to the kids' haircut place and she chose to get her haircut sitting in one of their cool cars rather than sitting on my lap. She's never wanted to do this before, and has cried if we tried, but she told me she was going to "be a big kid" today. She made it through the whole cut happily, although she did tell the stylist that the car "didn't work" because it "didn't go." I already think she's growing up too fast sometimes--driving might just put me over the edge. Luckily, I have about 15 years to prepare myself for that milestone. For now, we'll stick to stationary vehicles. :) Photos of all our shenanigans to come when I figure out how to do something other than type on an unfamiliar computer....


Jenny said...

I can't believe you're not in Port Angeles anymore! And I can't believe Kate sat in the car!!! Elsa can almost do the car, but certainly will NOT put up with the blow dryer. Hugs to our favortie fellow redhead!

Anonymous said...

We're so excited to welcome you into our little town in preparation for the BIG transition! Aunt Cyndi & Uncle Jason