It's Kevin's mom's birthday today and we went to celebrate with her at a great breakfast restaurant. It might as well have been Kate's birthday, seeing as how the restaurant bestowed upon her a bear shaped pancake, complete with whipped cream. I think she was a bit overwhelmed!! Her favorite book right now is "Curious George makes pancakes" so she kept wanting to know where George was. She did have some whipped cream, but seemed a bit concerned about destroying the bear. Instead, she ate toast and marveled at her bear. It was a great time, and quite enjoyable considering two toddlers were involved!! We will miss Kevin and his mom so much when we leave, but I will never forget that he was Kate's first real friend!
How cute! Kate's look of wonder at the pancake reminds me of how she looked at the calf at the fair. It's all so new and interesting.
I want a bear pancake! That thing was adorable (though not as cute as Kate).
Auntie Courtney
I can't wait to see her in person! She sounds as smart as you and Jennifer at that age. I can tell you don't use "baby-talk." Good job!
Kate, your Daddy and Uncle Jay loved Mickey Mouse pancakes with chocolate chip eyes. Love, GaGa Star
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