As if having a second baby (which, incidentally, seems to be growing at such a rate that I'm wondering if we are going to have an enormous child!) wasn't enough big news for the year, we now have more: WE'RE MOVING. Yes, it became official on Friday when Ryan signed the contract for his new job with the Warm Springs Indian tribe. It is a wonderful opportunity for him and it means that we will be moving back to Central Oregon. We are so excited to be moving closer to family, and are so lucky that we have Bob & Starla coming to help us move and Bill & Connie hosting us while we look for a new house. It's a bit mind-boggling to think how fast it is happening because we are moving in just 2 weeks!! It is definitely what we want in the long run, so we are happy. Of course, that happiness is also mixed with some sadness at leaving the place that has become our home. There are quite a few things I really will miss about P.A., especially the friends I've made, and it will always be a special place to us because it is where we had Kate. We have a lot to look forward to, though, and we can't wait to see what new adventures await us!
WELCOME HOME. There is nothing that could make us happier.
One of the sets of Ga-Ga & Gumpa...and, of course, Opus-the-cat
The Yreka G & G are thrilled as well. A 4 hr. car ride will be a dream and we dearly love the Bend area. It will be a perfect place to raise Kate and her little sister or brother! Congratulations on the Warm Springs position, Ry. We know they chose the right guy. No prejudice here! Love, G & G
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