Thursday, April 8, 2010

You know you're a mom when... almost look forward to a dental appointment because you know it will be an uninterrupted period of sitting! I can't say I'm TOO excited about having my teeth cleaned today, but there is a tiny part of me that will enjoy the quiet. I had an early ultrasound yesterday to be sure of the baby's due date so the c-section can be planned at the right time and, although I really couldn't tell what I was seeing, he/she apparently has all the right parts. It's always a relief to know that! There is nothing like hearing a professional say, "now I see that the face is put together correctly." We don't want to know the sex, so she didn't even look for that, but she did comment that the baby was "very, very active." That sounds familiar!


Anonymous said...

Great moves, Kate and great news from the doctor, Bryn! We will be thrilled with another very,very active grandbaby..can't wait! Love, GaGa S.

Anonymous said...

There are so many things to be joyful for when looking at and reading your posts: a rest at the dentist; way cute Easter footage; jumping mice; too much information (total crack-up); and the news of a healthy newcomer. We are so looking forward to you all moving further south... yeah! Lots of love, Aunt Cyndi & Uncle Jason