Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Unrequited Love

Kate is absolutely enamored with our cat, Frank, which is ironic since the cat is the one being in our household who wants nothing to do with her. Nonetheless, Kate works her hardest to "make friends" each day. She says "cca" whenever she sees Frank or any other cat, real or in an image. She even saw a TINY dog the other day and, delighted, squealed "CCCCA!" We're calling that her first word of sorts, even though she hasn't got the 't' part down yet. Frank was Kate's inspiration to start crawling. Kate saw Frank lying in the sun across the room and, slowly but surely, she crawled all the way to her, saying "cca," "cca" the whole way there. Unfortunately for Frank, Kate got much faster after that and now Frank has no refuges of safety. We're trying to teach Kate "gentle," but I can't say she's taking to the idea quite yet. To my dismay (well, not really), Kate says "gug" when she sees our dog, "da, da" to Ryan and to me....nothing. I say "ma ma, ma ma" and she just looks at me, smiles, and says: "cca." Someday!


Anonymous said...

"Cccca" is a great first word. I was hoping for "grandma" -- Frank has no idea how special she is!

Cindy Anna said...

Awe! I'm not sure how Caitlin and our cats will react to each other once they are allowed back in the house. I'm sure they will take a similar approach as Frank though :)