Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Saint Hickory

Hickory truely is a saint where Kate is concerned. She is SO gentle, and just lets Kate climb all over her. We often find Kate sitting right next to Hickory on her hair-covered bed (which is why, the next time any of you see Kate, she is likely to be slathered in disclaimer!) Hickory has always been good with her, but she is extra good now that Kate has started to eat big people food. Hickory thinks she's died and gone to heaven since Ryan and I don't give her "real" food, but Kate will. Hickory's on a constant hunt for dropped Cheerios. We've even caught her trying to lick Kate's face after she eats. Thanks for the help, Hicks, but that's where I have to draw the line. They just make such a funny pair, and I have visions of Kate toddling after Hickory's tail when she starts walking. All in all, Hickory is the perfect dog in many ways, but especially where a baby is concerned. She's Kate's biggest protector now, and won't let people or animals come near her when she doesn't know them. She's just so sweet, like a second momma!

Well, Kate's waking up, so it's time to start the day. We have nice weather again, so we'll spend most of it outside. Yesterday, after I taught my yoga class, a lady came up to me and asked if I was the "stroller girl" she sees down on the trail. Since we're about the sole jogging strollers in town, I think it's becoming our claim to fame!

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