Friday, May 15, 2009

I'm earning a six-figure salary....

unfortunately, it's not real money. We heard on the news that someone calculated a stay-at-home parent's worth to be $122,000 per year. Who came up with this calculation, I wonder? Did they add the number of diapers changed plus the number of hours spent making weird noises just to get baby to laugh? Perhaps multiplied by the number of times reading baby's favorite story, number of baths given and time spent making baby food? Subtracting time spent attempting to cook and clean? And definitely divided by the time spent worrying that you're doing everything right? Who knows, but it sure would be nice to have that money! I'd like to see a calculation for working parents, because their job definitely does end when their work day is over. At any rate (yes, pun intended), I feel lucky to be able to stay home with Kate and I know I am incredibly fortunate to do so. I don't feel like I'm "working," but something sure makes me tired by the end of the day!
We've had a nice day up here. It's SUNNY in P.A. and Ryan isn't working today, so we all went running together and spent time outside. Tonight we may even barbeque for the first time this year...summer's coming!!!

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