I just got back from having my first (and only, probably) 3-D ultrasound and it was totally mind blowing!! The baby appears from all measurements to be normal and healthy and, as the ultrasound tech said, "one of the most active babies she's ever seen" (hmmm...sound much like Kate??) The first part was in traditional 2-D, but when she got to the head, she put it into 3-D and it looked just like a "real" baby! I mean, I know it IS a real baby, but I could see exactly what the baby looks like at this point. She estimated he/she was about 1 lb 10 ounces right now, and I could totally see all the facial features and every little finger curled up by the face. He/she was even sucking his/her thumb!!! This whole he/she business is cumbersome, but I'm glad we're going to be surprised. I showed the pictures to Kate and all she said was "it's a baby" and didn't appear very impressed. My mom, on the other hand, reacted with the appropriate "oohs" and "aahs"! :) I can't wait until Ryan gets home to show him!
He/she is a beautiful little baby! I expected to see the usual little bean pictures, but you could see every feature on this little person. I'm already in love.
Grandma Connie
I wanna see, I wanna see!! Send them over the pond, pleeeeease?! Big Kate xxx
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