Monday, May 24, 2010

Fun with "big kids"

Kate had a great time playing with her "big kid" friends, Shaun and Ryan, this weekend. They came out to see us on Dusty Loop and, despite the less than warm weather, they all enjoyed playing with buckets and buckets of water. They also helped feed the horses and dogs, so they've become "farm kids," too. Shaun and Ryan's dad Josh has been friends with Kate's dad Ryan since pre-school, and it's so fun to watch their kids play together. We were talking about how it seems not long ago that we were at Josh and Jen's wedding, and that they were at ours, and now there are almost four kids among us! Now that we're living close to them, all the kids will get to grow up together, just like Josh and Ryan. A fantastic example of history repeating itself, I think!

1 comment:

Life According to Kate said...

It is so good to have kids around again! These 3 (almost 4) will be friends for a long, long time--It makes me smile.
Grandma Connie