Saturday, May 15, 2010

Kate (A.K.A. Don King)

Seriously, is this not the most impressive display of bed-head you've ever seen?? I don't know if it's the dry Bend weather or something Kate is doing in her crib at night, but she has been waking up with some of the most outrageous hairdos I can imagine. I couldn't achieve this if I tried (I'm not sure why I ever would...Halloween?), but it is quite a treat to see what I will find each morning. Not as much fun to dismantle, however!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our Miss Kate is a trendsetter. You will be seeing this style on the rich & famous soon...they will pay gazillions for Kate's look. I wonder how it would look on 60- somethings? It is a bit of a flashback to the 60's which GaGa Connie & I know a little about! Love, GaGa Star