Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Busy weekend (Part 2)
Forgot to add this one to the wedding post...Kate loved dancing with daddy!
Gumpa Bob by his name on the wall
Commemorating Kate's great-grandpa and his brothers
Busy weekend!
Clint & Laura's first dance
Our little party girl!
Two mommies toting babies!
Gamma Starla & Gumpa Bob
Wow--what a fun weekend in Yreka!! The weather has been marvelous, and we've had two big events to attend. First, Ryan's cousin, Clint, got married yesterday and we had a great time visiting with all the family. The ceremony was lovely and the reception was quite a party. Kate hung in for hours of partying, and took quite a few turns out on the dance floor. Clint and Laura make a wonderful couple, and I know it made all their family and friends so happy to see them so obviously in love. There were many highlights to the whole day, but one had to be when Uncle Ray challenged Laura's family (the Brays) to a Singleton-Bray dance-off. The DJ called it a tie but, personally, I think that Ray's moves put the Singletons over the top! The party is NEVER dull with Gumpa Bob, Uncle Ray and Uncle Ross in attendance. I can't wait until the next big Singleton event!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
What's better than a big pile of dirt?
Here comes the storm!
Thanks for the lift, Gramma!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Modern technology is amazing!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Some kids like youtube....

photo courtesy:

photo courtesy:
...ours likes online videos of machinery. Almost all the parents I know entertain their toddlers with online video clips, mostly, it seems, of Sesame Street and the like. Kate, however, likes to watch videos of Bobcats and John Deeres. She recently informed Ryan and I that she "wanted a new Bobcat and a new horse." I think she might be waiting awhile for those, especially as she went on to ask if "they came in blue" (they don't--we checked the website). She found the fact that they don't come in blue mildly disturbing, so I told her that, should she ever actually get a Bobcat, she could probably paint it. Problem solved, for her at least. Ryan and I may be at a loss if she's still asking for farm equipment and farm animals come Christmas......
Monday, May 24, 2010
Fun with "big kids"
Saturday, May 22, 2010
First swimming pool, first gambling lesson....
Thursday, May 20, 2010
New town, new doctor
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Wait a sec....
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Kate (A.K.A. Don King)
Seriously, is this not the most impressive display of bed-head you've ever seen?? I don't know if it's the dry Bend weather or something Kate is doing in her crib at night, but she has been waking up with some of the most outrageous hairdos I can imagine. I couldn't achieve this if I tried (I'm not sure why I ever would...Halloween?), but it is quite a treat to see what I will find each morning. Not as much fun to dismantle, however!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Good-bye Great Grandma Helen
We had the sad news this morning that Great Grandma Helen (or mom or just grandma, depending on your generation) passed away. It was expected, but that did not seem to make it less sad. I was so glad that Kate, my mom and I were all together today. We looked at some pictures and Kate surprised us both by pointing out "Great Gamma Helen." It seemed such a nice sign that Kate will know about her even if she didn't get to spend much time with her in person. Someday, we'll tell Kate all the fantastic, zany and mischievous things Great Gamma did (and, as anyone who knew her knows, there's quite a lot to tell!). As for today, the weather was absolutely gorgeous, so we spent most of it outside, where Great Grandma would have been on a day like today. We took Kate for a walk along the river, and Kate dug around the apple tree Ryan and my mom planted for Great Grandma. There is something about the joy of the newest generation that does help soften the blow of losing the eldest generation. On a light note, and just to prove that Kate can make me smile on the saddest of days, we stopped by a maternity store that is right by the river trail. I had to take the leap and just buy a swimsuit (who likes to do this, ESPECIALLY when pregnant??) because I want to put Kate in swim lessons this summer. Kate was in the dressing room when I put it on and, without any prompting whatsoever, she looked at me and said, "mommy look good." If she's not perfect, I don't know what is. Grandma used to call me her "SPA" (Smartest Person Alive) and now I feel just that same way about little miss Kate. Great Grandma Helen will be watching her grow and loving every minute of it.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Lost in translation
Monday, May 10, 2010
It's in the genes

Sunday, May 9, 2010
A kid's rite of passage
Saturday, May 8, 2010
The biggest event of the day
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Hello, Bend!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Bye, bye Yreka...
Halfway there!
Helping Gumpa
Fun with Cali
We've had such a fun, relaxing time in Yreka, it's hard to believe we've been here 10 days. Tomorrow, we're moving on again, to our third temporary housing with grandparents! What would we do with all these willing hosts?? Our menagerie is heading to Grandma Connie and Grandpa Bill's house in Bend, where we will add ourselves to 4 dogs, a cat and a whole bunch of horses. We'll officially be moved to Bend, but we have a lot of work to do before we get settled---namely, finding a house! Everything else has fallen into place, so we're hoping the perfect house finds us as well. In the meantime, we'll enjoy the "ranch" life for a bit!
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