As if we haven't moved around enough in the last couple months, Kate endured yet another change last night. It turned out that her bedroom was the hottest room in the house, with the evening sun streaming in just about at her bed time. Although she's been sleeping fine, Ryan and I have been constantly worrying that she's going to suffocate, bake, and all the other worries only parents can concoct. We finally decided to just move her to the other bedroom, which stays cooler, and hope for the best. I tried to hype her up yesterday, telling her about how fun it would be to have a new room. As with most things, I worried more about the change than she did. She took it just fine, seemed happy to switch and, hopefully, got a better night's rest last night. I know I did. So, Kate, thank you for being so amenable to change. I'm sure you'll pay me back for saying that once the baby comes! :)
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