Sunday, July 11, 2010

HOT, quilts and two months to go...not necessarily in that order

Summer has hit full force around here and it is officially HOT! I'm learning why people always comment about the horrors of being pregnant in the heat. I do love my warm weather, but I'm definitely less comfortable with a lot of extra weight attached to my mid-section! That and the swelling and....oh, I'm guessing no one wants to hear about that. So I'll move on. We are actually enjoying the glorious weather by finding water, shade and just basically bathing in sunscreen. On Friday, Kate and I went to the pool at the club we just joined. Kate is new to this whole swimming thing, but she's getting into it. Especially when a nice boy of about 12 shows up and exhibits all the tricks only boys of that age are willing to do. He was such a nice kid, playing toys with Kate and obliging her many requests for him to "jump in again and make a big splash." I should not be surprised that Kate discovered that she really likes being hoisted up in the air and splashed back down. She also got into sitting on the side of the pool and "jumping" in to my arms. As long as it makes a splash, she's all for it. We went back today (Sunday) and I've officially decided that a pool is the ultimate thing for a pregnant lady. I mean, who wouldn't want to feel weightless at this point?? Kate was more brave today and was completely convinced that she could jump in at the deep end, just like "the big kid did." She was not impressed when I said, "mommy can't touch the ground here, so we have to jump somewhere else." She looked at me as if to say, "Jeez, mom, if that KID could do it surely you could just catch me." There's not much winning once they've got long term memories. :) In other news around here, the annual quilt show was yesterday. Lest you think "right, likes THAT'S a big event," let me just tell you that the world is apparently filled with avid quilters eager to come display and or look at them. I'm not sure how many quilt shows there are in the world, but this is touted as "the biggest" and I would not doubt it. People come by the tens of thousands, from all over the world, booking at least a year in advance to get a place to stay. Ryan and I have already decided that we'll be renting out our place next year, wherever we are in Sisters. We did take a stroll downtown to check out the works (really we went to get ice cream, I'll admit it), but it was neat because the entire main street is shut down to traffic so it's just quilters and quilts galore. As I'm not crafty in the least, I can't imagine the work that go into these creations, but I know it's a lot. And I'll end this epic length, not very exciting post, by saying that it's just about 2 months until the debut of Singleton #2! I know the time will fly....especially if I can spend a good portion of it in the pool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I was pregnant w/ Jennifer in humid NY and had a flat tire coming home from the doctor's appt. Luckily someone stopped to change the tire and I went into labor that night, Aug 16, 1978 and she was born the next day. Heat is awful any time, however. Maryl