Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Random tip for my fellow mommies....

If you have a major squirmer during diaper changes (like I do), here's a mommy-to-mommy (or daddy, obviously) tip. In Kate's music class, the teacher pretends to "blow" on and off the lights. All the kids think this is hysterical and they basically fight to line up to help. I've employed this "magic" while I change Kate's diaper and it works like a charm! She even says "mommy magic," which is as close as I'll ever get to doing any sort of mind-trick. So, there's my random thought for the day. Hope it helps (clearly it only helps those with a changing table near a light switch, but still....)!


Anonymous said...

That's a keeper, Bryn! Wish I had thought of that 40 years ago! Gram S.

Anonymous said...

Now why didn't I think of that?!