Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Kate and I are having a great time in Bend, although we're missing Ryan a lot!! I think he's missing us too since he says the house is VERY quiet. I imagine it would be wonderful to be in all that quiet-ness for a day or so, but then I'd be missing Kate's constant flow of conversation, too. Kate and I were asked a few times today if we were Irish (thanks to the red hair). We're not, but I told Kate that, someday, it will come in handy for her to say yes because it will get her lots of free green beer! As she's a tad underage and I'm pregnant, neither of us indulged today. We are having a great time with Grandma and Grandpa, although photographic evidence will have to wait because I can't load photos on my mom's computer (or, rather, I have no idea how....) Trust that Kate is indeed a farm girl at hear, though. From the moment she wakes up until the time she goes to bed, she talks constantly about her "chores" of "feeding dogs," "feeding horses," "feeding Opus the cat," "walking dogs," etc., etc. She would very happily be outside ALL day and, even after she's been out for hours, she wails "outside PLEASE" as soon as we come inside. She cracks us up because she loves playing outside, but she does not love dirt. She calls it "big mess." She's started picking up rocks and hay, though, so I guess we're making progress. I'm sure it won't be long before she's rolling in Dusty Loop's dust just like her beloved dogs and horses!

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