The Y set up the huge bouncy castle/slide extravaganza today, so Kate got to attend since she's been asking for it every time we drive past the Y. The only way to describe it is complete and utter chaos. It's great, though, because it's a place where kids can literally bounce off walls. Kate loved it just like last time. She's still too small to get through it by herself, so I accompanied her time after time. I like it too, but it's a bit a harder to get through when you're over 3 feet tall and pregnant!! After doing quite a few laps through, Kate sat happily eating a spinach bagel (because I've learned to hide vegetables WHEREVER possible) while she gazed at the bouncy contraption with something like love in her eyes. So, we're pretty much back to our daily routine of classes, play groups and play dates, although Kate is still constantly talking about horses, the Bobcat and feeding dogs. She has also discovered a passion for strawberries, most likely because she ate them with Bend friends (and, in Kate's words, "big kids") Shaun and Ryan. She has just about ate her weight in them the past few days, and actually shrieked "want strawberries!!!" when she saw them at the store. I practically had to open them then and there so she could sample them, which is quite amazing considering Kate still has no real love for touching dark-colored or messy food. She has made a big exception for strawberries, though, and will probably go nuts if she still likes them when they are actually in season and tasting better! After the bouncy castle and a pint of strawberries, I asked Kate what she wants to do this afternoon. She said "go to Starbucks." Yes, she is only one-and-a-half and, no, we don't yet let her drink coffee (I shudder at the thought of a caffeine-induced Kate!) Still, that is what she said. If it were as soggy out today as it was yesterday, I would have probably obliged. Instead, we're going out to do another of her latest favorites: climbing on rock piles in the vacant land near our house. While this isn't so much "rock climbing" as it is literally climbing on rocks, I think it shows good potential. Showing a love for gourmet coffee and rock climbing? This girl MUST be a Northwesterner.
The bouncy castle looks like great fun...Gumpa & GaGa wish we could have been at the Y for that adventure and Starbucks for our caffeine fix! Count us in next time. Love, G & G.
Are you sure she isn't interesting in the rocks, not the climbing? (I'll keep trying...) Ga-Ga
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