Sunday, January 3, 2010

My rainy days are saved!!

I am very, very pleased to say that, although the Y has decided to cancel it's gymnastics program (no more Wiggle Worms!), they are keeping the gymnastics room and are now leaving the door open for families to play--ALL DAY! When I heard there was no more gymnastics, I lobbied hard for some sort of open gym and even volunteered to run it and, if that wasn't possible, I asked if I could buy some of the equipment so even more of our garage could be given over to entertainment for Kate. But this is SO much better! Now, we can go any time AND Ryan can keep most of the garage for actual garage-worthy projects. We just might be there all day, everyday!! That is my most exciting news; not much else to report as this was a organizing-the-house weekend. We did get a lot done and now have yet another donation to make to Goodwill. I think half our possessions are now there. There isn't much more satisfying than a good organization-fest to start the New Year. Our house looks much better, even if it is still dominated by baby toys!

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