Thursday, January 21, 2010

Spring-like weather makes us very happy!!

To whatever/whomever we owe these amazing, warm temperatures, THANK YOU! It's been in the mid-50s the past few days which, in the middle of winter, feels like absolutely tropical. It was so nice today that we went to the park, something we haven't done in a few months. Kate had a ball running around and going down the slide a bazillion times. It was funny to see how much she's grown since the last time we were there; she couldn't stand up in all the tunnels she used to run through! After we played for awhile, we watched some people play tennis and Kate was enthralled. Her little head went back and forth, back and forth, intently watching the ball. Good news for Ryan and I as we plan to put her in tennis lessons as soon as she's old enough!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My, how I miss my little Button. Love the pictures, tho!