Wednesday, January 6, 2010

You know you're a grown-up when....

you schedule a pelvic exam on your birthday!! Yes, that's what I get to do today! But, actually, so far I've had a nice birthday morning, waking up to a nice surprise from Ryan and Kate as her usual silly self. Ryan and I are planning on celebrating both our birthdays in proper fashion a couple weekends from now when Grandma Connie comes to watch Kate for a night so Ryan and I can go to Seattle. Yippeee! FUN grown-up activities will abound then, I'm sure. So, on to Kate and her bik-a. Obviously, she loves it but, as the photos show, she has taken to riding it in trick-style fashion. Ryan and I are seriously starting to see our future, watching her ride like a kamikaze at the X-Games. Starla, I KNOW you know how this feels!! :) I started to see shades of the X-Games girl in her a couple weeks ago when she discovered the climbing wall in the garage. THANKFULLY, she is too short to climb it and not strong enough, but she is starting to get her hands on hand holds and gaze longingly at the top. Then, yesterday, she decided to start riding her bike standing up on the bar under the handles. I told her to sit and she looked at me derisively, while saying "stand, stand." This backfired on her when she took a header over the handle bars and landing on the kitchen floor. BIG ouch. It's difficult to achieve such a fall on a bike that doesn't even have pedals!! But she recovered quickly and wanted right back on--to stand, of course. Also, she likes ramming into things, saying "crash." Lord, help me. Starla: any advice??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bryn,, my experience with 3 boys (Bob counts) says to run out and buy a crash helmet and padded body suit in pink, of course. Keep a stash of bandages, all shapes and sizes on hand. A lot of TLC from Mom and Dad is a sure cure! Gram S.