Monday, January 25, 2010

Hmmm...what HAVE we been doing??

Early-Spring cleaning....
Well, somehow the last few days have gone by and I'm not sure where they went! Here's a brief recap of our seemingly-busy-yet-uneventful lives of late:
1. Last week, we went to visit a daycare that I've heard good things about from a friend. I'm thinking of taking Kate there a couple hours a week so that she can really get used to being around other kids, without me. To my surprise, she took to the place right away. I was still there, of course, but at least she wasn't clinging to me. She played for awhile and told me "no" when it was time to leave. Good signs, I think. We're going to try it again together a few more times and then let her have at it on her own. Fingers crossed.
2. Kate LOVES Starbucks. Or, at least, she loves the lady there who gave her a balloon. I took her with me to meet a friend, and was hoping to get to talk to her at least a bit. Thanks to the balloon and the new all-fruit, squeezable puree things they sell, Kate sat for an hour and half without making a peep. People were commenting on how well-behaved she was. I just smiled and hoped she wasn't about to prove them wrong!
3. I think Kate definitely has the competitive gene. Why, you ask? Well, in the bath, she has taken to grabbing a duck and a boat and saying "Duck,!!" She'll even declare a winner. Yes, she's our child, for sure.
4. It was SO nice out on Saturday that Kate got to ride her bike outside. Of course, all she really wanted to do was go as fast as possible down the driveway. But, what a luxury to get to play outside and not be freezing. Ryan even had the lawnmower out and I smelled a barbecue. Is this really January?? I'll take it.
And that's about all I can think of for now. Not much, but we're looking for a bit more excitement this week. :)

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