Thursday, March 3, 2011

A QUIET quiet time....

It's a milestone for Kate: she fell asleep during quiet time today! After a lot of thumping and bumping up there (I found lots of books all over so that must have been the source of the noise), I went in at the end of her hour to find her asleep. Before quiet time she was asking to be "made into a princess" and I was asking her what her princess name was. At the time, she was also playing with her tools. Just before I closed the door for her quiet time, she announced: "I know! I could be Princess Hammer." Hey, why not? :)


Anonymous said...

Bryn, you just took me back a few decades. Kate's napping habits (or lack of} are Ryan's at that age. Hang in there, Bryn. Sending positive thoughts that Will will embrace an afternoon snooze and wake up full of smiles, giggles and ready to eat whatever! Love, Gram S.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer was not a napper. I was able to see into her room thru a tiny window access w/o her knowing and watched her wandering around the room, looking at books, peeking under the rug, anything other than napping. Finally, I went into her room and said "well, you might as well come on out since you are just looking at books and not sleeping" and she looked at me with wide eyes and asked "can all moms see through walls?" What could I say except "of course"? Maryl