This is what Kate has been telling me over the last week; now that she's potty trained, I think she's aged quite a bit, according to herself. And, actually, it DOES seem like she's matured a lot over the last week. She's only had one accident since Sunday! I've mostly been putting her in a pull-up when we leave the house, but even those have been remaining mainly dry and she's still telling me when she has to go. Today we went to the park and I kept her in her underwear, and she did just fine. It's gone way, way, WAY better than I thought it would. Hooray! The best part is that she's so proud of herself, and she's totally on this big-girl kick now. When I woke her up a few days ago she informed me: "I'm ready to go to elementary school now." I told her that she had to go to pre-school first and then she'd go to elementary school when she's five, but she shot that idea right down: "no, mommy, I think I'll just go now. And I think daddy's ready, too, because he's a big boy." Way to go, Ryan! :) She also has told us that she will not sleep with a nightlight because "grown-ups sleep in the dark." She cried in the middle of the night the other night (which she NEVER does) and when I went to check on her, she wailed, "turn off the light, it's too bright!!" So, now we've got a potty-trained two-year-old who likes to sleep in the pitch black and is convinced she's ready to start kindergarten. Yep, sounds like Kate! Her other big doing this week was that she started soccer (and I use this term extremely loosely). While it wasn't exactly soccer, it was about the cutest thing I've ever seen--about 15 toddlers running around aimlessly, shrieking in delight. She learned how to play "red light, green light" so that's about all we've been doing since Tuesday. It really was fun and it made me excited for all the soccer games in our future....I think Will is ready, too, as he kicked like crazy while giggling. Overall, a very successful week for these Singletons!
I think she's reading too, well, sort of. Yesterday I was wearing shirt with UBS on it. She asked what it was & I told her. Then she informed me I was wrong--I was "actually" wearing Starla's shirt because it had an S on it. (The UB didn't seem to matter!)
grandma Connie
I wouldn't talk too much about Kate's soccer games. I went to a few of your games and it consisted of a group of girls moving like a mass around an unseen soccer ball. There was no such thing a strategy or a play. A few girls stayed out of the scrum, but they mostly just talked. But everybody seemed extremely happy with the whole show and there was no way to figure out which team, if any, won the game. Gumpa Mac
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