I find that you do things as a parent that you never, ever, ever thought you'd be doing B.K. (before kids--or that time you barely remember!) For me, one of those things I never expected to do was throw a potty party, but throw a potty party I did. It's been time for awhile now for Kate to be potty trained. She, however, did not share that opinion. It wasn't that she couldn't do it, it was just that she lacked any sort of motiviation. She would tell me, "mommy, it's okay, diapers are fine and easy." Umm, yes, but that's not really the point. I was having visions of her going to first grade still in a pull-up. So, I decided to throw her a potty party (for family members only--I'm not quite crazy enough to actually invite others....) The "diaper fairy" visited her on Wednesday night and took her pull-ups to kids who need them. In their place, she left some gifts. She also decorated the house, left the makings for cupcakes and all sorts of other goodies. This party worked like a charm!! Kate loved it and told me, "this is my BEST day. These are all the things I love!" Best of all, Kate is doing a lot better than I thought she would. She's really trying and hasn't ever asked for her diapers back. It's Sunday now and she hasn't had any accidents yet! She's very proud of herself, which is great to watch. She told me the best part of using the potty is that she can "make green pee." What, you say? Well, the potty is blue and...you get the point...This gives her the giggles every time. Whatever works!
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