For about a week, Will's been able to sit up by himself! He went from toppling over every few seconds to being able to sit up and play overnight and I'm so glad we've reached this milestone! Kate seems to be happy about it as well because she is now actually playing with Will, and is very pleased that she can make him laugh more than anyone else. What a blessing for me to be able to say "Kate, could you entertain Will for a minute?" and have her actually DO IT! Will will have another first tomorrow when he goes swimming for the first time. There's a really great pool here that is super warm, shallow and made just for kids under 5. It even has a duck-shaped slide. Since there's no way I could take them on my own, Grandma Connie is being kind enough to journey with us. As she said, "there is no one else who could get me in a swimsuit!" Here, here. I tend to echo that since Kate said to me the other day: "mommy, why does your belly button look kind of funny?" Ummm, well, that would be because of those two big babies I had. To which she replied, in true one-upping toddler fashion, "well, I've had THREE babies in my tummy!"
Try 3 pregnancies and 63 years...even Princess Hammer can't top that! I may have to wear a mask tomorrow. Grandma Connie
What a happy looking guy! Of course, Will has a nearly perfect life so why not be happy.
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