...is that they'll laugh at just about anything!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
"Mommy, I'm a REALLY big girl now!"

Monday, March 28, 2011
Favorite moments of the day
* Kate feeding will puffs and saying "say aaaah" before she gave him one. Then, before she gave him another one, she'd say "do you want more?" while doing the sign for more. What a little teacher!
*Kate's second day with complete potty-training success!
*Will starting to say "da da da da" and being so clearly thrilled that he added a new "word" to his babbling repertoire.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
An accident-free day!
It's 5 pm and Kate's made it all day without an accident! Big news around here....I'm seeing the light at the end of the looooong diaper-tunnel! :)
Potty party!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Bath time
It was not too long ago that Kate often referred to Will as "it" (as in "give it to mommy"), but she's recently come a LOOONG way in the accepting-Will-as-a-brother category. I was still shocked a couple days ago, though, when she suggested that she and Will take a bath together. I thought these days were far, far away. I must say, it was great. Of course, I thought it was about the cutest thing I've ever seen but, on the more practical side, it was a lot faster than separate baths. I'm all for that! Kate even shared her toys and washed Will, saying to him "now I'm going to wash your ears, now I'm going to wash your hair...." Outside of the bath, she is getting more loving and helpful each day. Her "job" now is to pick up the things he drops from his high chair. I know he drops them on purpose just because he loves getting the attention from her when she picks them up. She has also started hugging him and telling me "he's MY baby." I know I have many, many sibling fights in my future, but this stage is pretty sweet!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
March Madness!
Around our house, St. Patrick's Day is less about all things green and more about the beginning of the NCAA college basketball tournament. It's becoming a tradition for Ryan to have a few good friends come stay for the first weekend of the tournament so, this year, Kate, Will & I de-camped to Grandma Connie and Grandpa Bill's house while Josh, Sean and Tom came to stay at our house. It was a great, great weekend all around (thanks Grandma & Grandpa for letting us basically destroy your shiny, newly remodeled house!) Kate, Will and I had fun on our mini-vacation, and also had a great time visiting with Josh, Sean and Tom. We came back early Saturday and Josh & Sean stayed around until the evening, so Kate had ample time to introduce them to her tool bench and to use the as gymnastics equipment. I'm fairly certain she's developed two new crushes (add that to her doctor...she LOVES him and refers to him as her "other gumpa"). And, of course, we cannot forget the most important part of March Madness: the annual family basketball pool. Way to go, Grandma Starla for leading the pack this first weekend!!! And now I must go--Kate has just entered the room announcing, "mommy, I need more money." Don't we all. We'll certainly all be lighter in the wallet if Grandma Star keeps her streak up!!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Red hair on Will?
So, after seeing the photo below, a lot of people have been asking if Will has red hair. I thought the same thing when I saw it, even though it doesn't really look red in person. Today I realized what made it look red: the lamp behind him. So his hair color remains a mystery.....and I can't really believe I'm writing a blog about this...surely you all care as much as I do. ;)
Sunday, March 13, 2011
My stats
Friday, March 11, 2011
Favorite moment of the day...
...so far has got to be when Kate saw some slightly moldy cheese in the refridgerator and told me she wanted to eat it. When I told her she couldn't eat that part, she completely melted down because she wanted "the cheese with frosting on it." I dare anyone to find something, anything that a two-year-old WON'T throw a tantrum about--personally, I don't think it can be done!!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Things I've learned from Baby #1 to Baby #2...
I've come to think that being a parent for the first time is all about being idealistic and being a parent for the second time is all about being realistic. As such, here are some random things I've learned and learned to accept (mostly...) along the way. I suppose a disclaimer is also necessary: these things only apply to me. I fully realize that every parent, just like every baby, is different. So, here goes:
*"This too shall pass" applies to nearly everything.
*There are days that 90% of your function as a parent involves bodily emissions of some sort. It's a (sometimes very) dirty job and YOU have to do it. I keep waiting for the diaper/mucous/vomit fairy to show up but I'm seriously beginning to doubt her existence.
*Your child will survive if non-organic food passes his/her lips.
*Making your own baby food is great and something I really do enjoy. HOWEVER, when it comes to some things (ie spinach) the time saved by buying is totally worth it. I mean, have you seen the paltry ratio of spinach output versus input??
*Try as you might there is no way your child will avoid: refined sugar, TV and really annoying, loud plastic toys (which they'll probably love way more than the "good" wooden ones you've been buying).
*Disposable vs. cloth? I don't have the answer. I use a combo and that works for me. But I'm not sure the environmental high ground is found by using cloth; the amount of laundry (and, thus, water used) is O.U.T.R.A.G.E.O.U.S.
*There are mostly great days, there are a fair number of tough days and there are a few days that make you understand alcoholism.
*You will love the second every bit as much as the first, even if you can't imagine there being space enough in your heart. Somehow the heart expands and expands, which is an amazing and wonderful thing.
*Being a parent is often not a pretty job but, to me, it is truly the best, most amazing job there is.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Happy 6 months, Will!
Dear Will,
I can hardly believe you've been with us for 6 months now! You are such a jolly, joyous baby and we love you with all our hearts. You completed our family. You are a lucky baby to be loved by a great many people and we are all lucky to have you in our lives. Watching you grow up is so much fun!!
Love, Mommy, Daddy and Kate
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Favorite conversation o' the day...
Monday, March 7, 2011
Look at me!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
A QUIET quiet time....
It's a milestone for Kate: she fell asleep during quiet time today! After a lot of thumping and bumping up there (I found lots of books all over so that must have been the source of the noise), I went in at the end of her hour to find her asleep. Before quiet time she was asking to be "made into a princess" and I was asking her what her princess name was. At the time, she was also playing with her tools. Just before I closed the door for her quiet time, she announced: "I know! I could be Princess Hammer." Hey, why not? :)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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