Sunday, June 13, 2010

New town, new house, first parade!

Getting her horses "Tuck" and "Slick" ready to watch the parade

Kate's next Halloween costume, perhaps?
We've made it to our new place!! We've been here a week now, and we've got a phone and the internet again, so now we can catch up with all the friends and family we've been missing! The move went well, and we are really loving our new town and our new house. Much to our relief, Kate didn't miss a beat settling in. She now has a "big girl" bed in her room, and her favorite thing is to stand on the bed and watch out her window. We're right next to an elementary school so she can watch all the "big kids" and school buses. She can also see a road and likes to watch for trucks. She'll spend quite a long time watching and exclaiming, "blue truck!" or "white truck!" or "motorcycle" as she seest them pass by. There's also a little door in the downstairs closet which conceals the house's crawl space, but it's the perfect place for Kate to hide and keep her toys. She's really enjoying making all the discoveries at her new house! She also discovered the tutu that Grandma Connie bought her when I was unpacking her clothes. She said, "I put that on right now!" and she's been wearing it a lot ever since. On our first day here, she was wandering around in her pink tutu dragging Ryan's hammer, which we thought pretty much summed her up! Ryan and I think we definitely made the right decision choosing to rent in Sisters to see if it's where we'd rather be. So far, it definitely is the place for us! We love that it's a small town, but has lots of amenities that a larger place would have (like a brewery, movie house, athletic club...) We can easily walk downtown, which we've done for morning coffee and to watch the Sisters Rodeo Parade yesterday. Sisters really must have the most festivals per capita of most any town. Just this weekend there is the big rodeo and an Arts in the Park festival. Next weekend, there's a Beer & Wine Fest and the Oregon Ballet Theatre is coming to town. Combine all that with an outstanding public school system and all the trails and outdoor activities we could ever ask for, and we think this will be our home for quite some time. We can't wait to host visitors....hint, hint!! :)


Anonymous said...

We can't wait to see the new place and to explore Sisters. Our Kate is an all around girl...It will be an adventure watching her continue to bloom! Love you all, Gram S.

Anonymous said...

I'll be right over.
Grandma Connie

Anonymous said...

I need your new phone number so I can call you! :-) Glad to hear you're settling in so well. xoxo

Jenny said...

I am so glad you've settled in! And I absolutely love Kate's pigtails :) I'm a sucker for red pigtails!